About Me
- First, go check out my Star Wars Wallpapers:
Episode IV: A New Hope
Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
JT has attempted to avoid using myspace because he hates their systems, but how many people have to bitch at him about it before he finally updates his page with personal information?!? Fine! Here ya go, damnit! I'm boring. Tada! Now you know the truth. (And by the way, that "I'm here for:" thing, what in the name of Bigfoot's 3rd testicle is that? I just picked 'em all.)
Born and raised in Los Angeles (the one in California), killed him a b'ar when he was only 3, or something like that.
A 3rd-generation Star Trek fan from birth, which I suspect tells all you need to know, ya snap-judgment-making fucks. Yeah, that's right, I said it, I'm a Trekkie, and yes, I said "Trekkie", I'm not down with the more pompous "Trekker" - it's a damn TV show where our heroes meet Space Nazis and Space Mobsters and Space Injuns and Space Grecians, sure it has noble ideas too but get OVER yourselves, it's meant to be fun first, not religion! But I digress.
Annnyway, my folks married and divorced young, my sister was raised by my mother's aunt and uncle who were supposed to stick around but got paranoid and hid so I didn't know her until my teens, my family is a bunch of nuts too smart for the likes of the you, fucking readers! (Why are you putting up with this abuse? You really shouldn't, it's undignified, you have to own your reality bitches.) I grew up moving around a lot from the San Fernando Valley to LAX to Santa Monica, like a dozen times or more, so I'm a little socially-awkward (like you needed to be told that after seeing "Trekkie" in the first paragraph, right?) and have lost touch with so many friends over the years. " Oh, but that's what Myspace is for " - fuck you and your pat answers, fuck you right in the face! ...Sorry about that, as you can see, I don't take any meds, though I'm betting you wish I did right about now. Well too bad, because now you're in too deep to look away, and I'm not getting any saner, AHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Around 9, I got hit with a massive "rush to the hospital" asthma attack - SURPRISE! Damn air, damn genetics, damn inability to bronchodilate. For the next few years, asthma was never far from my mind but I hated the drugs - they made me feel like I was going to die from an exploding heart - so eventually I worked on ways to minimize the effects and suppress it as much as I could without drugs. It leaves me a little winded often and my left lung occasionally hurts, but generally I don't have problems with it (recently I did have to buy and use an OTC rescue inhaler though, I'm trying not to view that as a setback).
As a kid and into my teens I did Cub Scouts/Boy Scouts, did not excel but had an ok time with it, took away some good life lessons actually despite my ignorance and disinterest in the religious aspects of it. One thing I think everybody should have is the ability to count on themselves, to be prepared even for the unknown, and to be able to adapt to new situations as they arise. In my teens, everything changed a lot over and over, life got more stable for a while, met and bonded with my sister who is only a year and a half younger, went to school where I was lazy but able to absorb and use knowledge to a high degree which kicked me into gifted programs and such (that sure pissed off my 9th grade geometry teacher who wanted some homework turned in despite my 95s on tests, bastard gave me my only D grade which sent me to summer school). Money was good for a while, too good really, and no responsibility... naturally money then became bad. High school was a real slog, asthma eventually played a part (who builds a public high school on the side of a steep slope and puts a 3-story building at the top with no elevator and naturally at the furthest corner is where my locker was?!?), but just getting there took 2 buses in the early morning. Eventually it led to a nervous breakdown and I took the California equivalent of the GED at 15, dropped out and took a job at a video store instead. Then some stuff happened, some other stuff happened, I ended up in Arizona for a year (not my kind of place, and yes, I know everybody says that's the place to go when you have asthma but the place is kinda devoid).
Uh... now I'm a grown-up. See how time flies? I like non-heavy science fiction - Star Trek, Star Wars, Babylon 5, Farscape, Stargate, Battlestar Galactica (new), some other shit I can't think of right now. I have a love/hate/pay-me relationship with the internet. I collect action figures. I use smilies too much. I have started getting into photography. I have some meager-ass skills with HTML and photoshop and such. I have a keen ability to analyze a situation and draw out its key points, expressing them in new ways and asking the questions that can take them to the next level - whatever the hell that means. I can ramble on and on, obviously. I aim more towards a Jungian approach to psychoanalysis. I am a bit aimless, but am trying to better myself with new ventures and a refocusing of my interests. Bet you wish reading this whole section would have paid off better, huh? That'll show you! Wait, goddamnit, I think that means I'm boring now! Well screw it, you wanted me to be on myspace, so here ya go assholes - who's the bigger fool, the fool or the fool who reads what he says? Nah, I'm kidding, you guys are great. Anyway, thanks for dropping by.
- Don't forget the facts about your testes! -
Brought to you by the Scrotal Safety Commission