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About Me

hi ok so I am gonna tell you a little more about myself if thats ok with you. My name is Tinel and in case you are pronouncing it like captain and Tineil you are wrong lol well my favorite color since I can remember has always been blue but lately it has changed to pink. I am a make- up artist for mac cosmetics and I love it. I have never had ajob wher I have so much fun at, well to be more specific everyday is lke a party at work for me ... it's really great. I have a boyfriend of two years and some odd months and I adore him to death. I really think I picked a winner this time lub ya baby! On my spare time I like to lounge around and be lazy lol but my ultimate favorite past time is shopping yayuh I love it !! I have my friends which I love because I know I can count on them no matter what near or far I know I will always have a shoulder to lean on if I ever needed one and they all know I would drop everything and help them with their eyeshadow in a wink lol well that is enough about me I hope this gave you a little preview of my life bye MyGen Profile Generator
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anyone worth meeting