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About Me

"I live on the edge of the universe and I don't need to feel safe." Raoul Vaneigem, The Revolution of Everyday Life

"Society has to be studied in the individual, and the individual in society; those who wish to seperate politics from morals will never understand either." -Jean Jaques Rousseau

"Freedom is so much the essence of man that even its opponents realize it... No man fights freedom; he fights at most the freedom of others." -Karl Marx

Angel Headed Hipster ThinkTalkDrink Another Motel Voice (Blog)

My Interests

Other people's lives and all the attendent wonder they contain, watching the seasons change day by day as I walk, starring at maps and thinking about the cool places I want to see, playing my guitar

I'd like to meet:



Springsteen, Constantines, Lennon, Costello, Dylan, Guthrie, Beethoven, Chopin, old folk and blues


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Short Cuts, Constant Gardner, Babel, Young Frankenstein, Im Juli, Before Sunset


The Daily Show, the History Channel, stuff that doesn't move too fast or have a lot of loud graphics... T.V. is a highly disposable medium therefore it is a dubious decision to get too attached to any T.V. show.


Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky, Maggie Cassidy by Jack Kerouac, Dubliners by Jame Joyce, National Geographic Family Reference Atlas, For Whom the Bell Tolls by Earnest Hemingway, East of Eden by John Steinbeck, Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison


Martin Luther King, Jr., for his mericful and powerful spirit, his eloquence and passion, for his moral clarity. a

My Blog


Reaganomics Finally Trickles Down To Area Man.onion_embed {background: rgb(256, 256, 256) !important;border: 4px solid rgb(65, 160, 65);border-width: 4px 0 1px 0;margin: 10px 30px !important;padding: ...
Posted by Joe on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 05:49:00 PST

For The Folks At Home

Letter HomeI've made it into London. The trip was largely uneventful but plagued by inordinate amounts of waiting in line and being generally frustrated. While checking in at JFK Airport in New York C...
Posted by Joe on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 09:38:00 PST

Travel and General Life Update...

The hour of change has finally come, and I'm leaving the holding pattern that my life has taken on for the past 6 months. It's a slowly glorious feeling; my joy is lethargic because it has been slow i...
Posted by Joe on Sat, 29 Sep 2007 01:00:00 PST

The conservatives try to scare Americans with healthcare...

What would happen if all Americans had healthcare coverage?The humanity! america-being-forced-into-having.html...
Posted by Joe on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 05:49:00 PST

Rock, Paper, Scissors cissors.html
Posted by Joe on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 02:52:00 PST

Summer Music Recommendations ning-list-evaluated.html Here's my season that was, in music...1. Micah P. Hinson: "Micah P. Hinson and the Opera Circuit" and "Micah P. Hin...
Posted by Joe on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 12:36:00 PST

Same-Sex Marriage, Leadership and Indignation think-of-it-as-being-very.html On Mondays I seem to hate my job, but on Fridays I seem to hate my government. I assure you the rest of the w...
Posted by Joe on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 10:42:00 PST

Friday Afternoon Tirade king-hajis-learned-to-drive.html Or at least read this article:
Posted by Joe on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 11:11:00 PST

Cosmic Goodness... k-on.html
Posted by Joe on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 07:49:00 PST


"The famous saudade of the Portuguese is a vague and constant desire for something that does not and probably cannot exist, for something other than the present, a turning towards the past or towards ...
Posted by Joe on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 09:56:00 PST