Rum and diet coke. I don't know why this drink is so good but damn! Big fan of golf since i have played it for almost 12 years. I enjoy teaching it more than playing although few things feel as good as a perfectly struck drive. Emphasis on few ;)
Tiger Woods and whoever invented the cubalibre aka rum & coke. *edit* apparently dan mcgill invented the rum and coke so I'd like to meet Dan McGill and give him a firm yet warm handshake.
Gruvis Malt Sage Francis Atmosphere 50 cent Usher Justin Timberlake Maroon 5 (yeah I said it) and umm a lot more I just can't think of any. I also like Gavin castleton he can be viewed on my friends I just really respect him because he is a part of gruvis malt.
The Usual suspects Bad Boys 2 Fight Club Training Day uhh...hmm Big Fish!..The Notebook (i'm man enough to admit it) and I sorta liked Paycheck. Mission impossible 1 and 3. I loved the guns in 3. I also love Pirates of the Carribean and I also really like Tommy Boy and stupid slap-stick stuff such as that.
24, Lost, Family Guy, History Channel Discovery Channel and Discovery Science. I will also watch squirrels eat the walnuts out of a fanny sack if it is in HDTV.
hitchiker's guide to the galaxy, on Target, Losing your Virginity by Richard Branson(it isnt a pervert book) and the E-myth business series. 5 People you meet in heaven. i'm sure there are more. I also read a lot of golf digest and bombsquadgolf
My dad, tiger woods, mayor adam west. Harry Alexander and Bacardi.