Alison ~Moonchild~ profile picture

Alison ~Moonchild~

Just like the moon, I'll step beside, And let your sun shine, While I follow behind ~Natasha Bedingf

About Me

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I love meeting people from all over the world, and wish I could travel more to do so! I spend most of my days doing something for school (or at least thinking about all I have to do), playing with my daughter (18 months), and trying to balance the two! I'm looking forward to the end of the school year when I can focus on my personal life and actually enjoy it more! It will be beach weather soon! I look to music, TV, movies and friendships (both in person and online) to brighten my day, to stretch my mind and soul, and to relax!! I often procrastinate, but I'll talk about that later. I have a pet frog named Hops. Thankfully he doesn't know how to write because he would surely contact PETA for all the times I forgot to feed him! My favorite foods are anything in the Tex-Mex and Italian categories, as well as most things that have "proof" written on the label ( which inspired our cats' names Jagermeister and Mudslide) and anything manufactured by Hershey. I know..I know..a woman who loves chocolate...go figure! I'm secretly in love with the Easter Bunny for that one reason! Speaking of religious holidays, I'm not religious, but consider myself to be spiritual. I'm a believer in Fate and have had some unique experiences that made me examine my stance on that issue as well as reincarnation. I've had a few moments that made me think "Hmmmmmmm." You can ask me about my conclusions thus far if you'd like. I like giving gifts to people for no reason other than to say "I was thinking about you." My favorite color is any shade of blue, especially electric and that color of the sky that neither Crayola nor L.L. Bean can define. I have a competitive spirit and I'm my strongest competitor. I can't get in a pool without swimming at least a mile, and I try to beat my own time every time. However, I will purposely lose if it's for a greater good. My favorite number is 7. I sing in the shower and the car but nowhere else~ I don't want to hurt anyone. I think speed limits are nice suggestions. My radar detector is ornamental since I can't hear it over the loud music. I'm going to grad school to be a child therapist. I can be a very private person and often like to do things on my own but also like to be in a fun-loving crowd! Claims to fame: I was the 6th grade ping-pong champion, 12 and under undefeated diving champion, and made an All-State chorus in grade school without being in my own school'd chorus~ still don't know how that happened! I've always wanted to be a stand-up comedian, but find it more comfortable to I don't think it would work out. I'd love to meet people from all over the world so that I'll have lots of contacts and social opportunities when I do travel the world. I live by the mottos "Do what you can with what you have where you are" (this was on a banner at my 8th grade graduation and it stuck), and "Make the World A Better Place," which I strive to do everyday through a friendship, my daughter, any relationship, my internship for school or with strangers. It just takes one small good deed to brighten someone's day, Try it!! Smiles are contagious!!! :-)

My Interests

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Music (Train!), movies, hanging out at the beach, playing with my daughter, swimming, traveling, being creative (making cards, I'm trying out abstract painting), writing, philosophical conversation, writing poetry, watching sports (go Red Sox, Patriots & Bruins!), making people laugh and smile, and always learning something new to keep life interesting!
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I'd like to meet:

People who are considerate and caring with similar and different interests

MySpace Avatars


I love Train ( and Food Pill (, 24E (check them out on my site), Matchbox 20, Shakira, Lifehouse, Sheryl Crow, Michelle Branch, U2, Billy Joel, and whatever I'm in the mood for :-)


Anything but horror~ my imagination gets the best of me with those! I'll usually go for a comedy or love story, and sometimes I'm in the mood for one when you have to figure out "Who done it." I like "Good Will Hunting," "My Cousin Vinny," "The Birdcage," "City Slickers," "Serendipity (all of John Cusak's films), and "Still Breathing." I also like epic-type movies like "The Odyssey" and "The Mists of Avalon."


I like a lot of sitcoms, especially comical ones! "Everybody Loves Raymond," "Still Standing," "Family Guy," "Will & Grace."


Anything I don't have to read for school! I like books that are an easy read that I can lose myself in. My favorites are "Mists of Avalon" and it's sequels, "Sarum," and "The Celestine Prophecy."


Anyone who goes against the grain to stand up for themselves and has the courage and determination to make a difference.

My Blog

A Different Game

How much longer must I wait Is it really up to Fate? I miss you more than you could know My love is stagnant, no longer grows   I wish you knew just how I feel You're out of reach, you have the w...
Posted by Alison ~"Undone"~ on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 12:04:00 PST

My Corner of the World

MY CORNER OF THE WORLD I sit here in the darkness I'm finally alone It's one place I can crawl to An not feel like I've been thrown   My flesh has raised awarness Of the cold, damp, precious ston...
Posted by Alison ~"Undone"~ on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 01:04:00 PST

Spun of Glass

SPUN OF GLASS   Moonlight reflects in the tears in my eyes "What shall I do?" I ask I'm so scared to take a step In this world spun of glass   If I make one wrong move This world will shatte...
Posted by Alison ~"Undone"~ on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 06:38:00 PST

Shades of Chance

Watching shallow shadows Dance across your face I feel a certain tension I feel so much at stake   My mind can be addictive To me you're like a drug These emotions took me by storm I can't hide u...
Posted by Alison ~"Undone"~ on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 10:48:00 PST

Water Between Stones

WATER BETWEEN STONES Stolen breath rides On snow geese wings Reflected moonlight Clouds that sing One foot in the past One foot in today Heart and souls intertwined And forever will remain I reached o...
Posted by Alison ~"Undone"~ on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 08:01:00 PST

Our Eternal Soul

I wrote this for someone special in my life a few years ago...   Our Eternal Soul     When I see our star in the brilliant sky above I feel surrounded by your tender love Every day I f...
Posted by Alison ~"Undone"~ on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 11:28:00 PST

10 MORE unusual facts about me :-)

I had fun doing the first ten that I decided to do another 10 :-) 1) I can bend my thumbs back past a 45 degree's a fun party trick that gets a variety of reactions from "That's funky!" to ...
Posted by Alison ~"Undone"~ on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 11:10:00 PST

Flavor of Distortion

I don't think I posted this one yet Flavor of Distortion     It's feeling lonely in a crowd Surrounded by smiling faces When happiness can't be found You swear it must have been displaced &n...
Posted by Alison ~"Undone"~ on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 02:25:00 PST

Seeing is believing ~ a poem

Caught within my mind's own web I'm stuck in here to see I'm so trapped within my history Longing to be free   I reach out to you You walk on by You run and jump You skip and fly   Will you ...
Posted by Alison ~"Undone"~ on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 02:09:00 PST

Ten weird habits/random facts

So the point of this game is you post a blog about ten weird habits/random facts about yourself, and then "tag" ten people who then have to post a blog about their ten weird habits/random facts. You h...
Posted by Alison ~"Undone"~ on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 11:19:00 PST