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The Legend of the Latebirds
It was a dark and stormy night. The clouds rumbled loudly, the sky flashed like camera bulbs, and the rain pelted on the rooftops like tapdancing mice. In the hole of a large oak tree, glowed the eyes of several feathered creatures nestling together to keep warm and dry.
Suddenly, a bright lightning bolt hit the side of the oak tree with such strength and force that smoke billowed fervently into the sky and sparks shot out in all directions! The tree glowed in electrical splendor. A loud buzzing emanated from within the tree, getting louder and louder until BANG!! A huge series of explosions ensued. Out came flying birds of various splendor and glory: A falcon! An eagle! An osprey! A condor! An albatross! A magpie! A sparrow! A burrow owl! A bluejay! A nighthawk! A titmouse! A finch! An egret! Together they flew with hyper-charged energy out of the tree and into the sky. The birds soared with a newfound power never felt before, something had changed about them...Instead of the quiet flap of their wings, there was now a noise like a fighter jetplane!
The birds had developed a new kind of superstrength brought on by the power of the lightning bolt! They were able to soar and dive like never before! The osprey raised his wings and said, "We have been given a gift, a gift that together we can use for the benefit of mankind. Let us fly as one and become the Latebirds, purveyors of art, justice and glory! Let us spread our wings to the hills of Highland Park, the cliffs of Palos Verdes, the arroyos of Pasadena, the sand beaches of Malibu, the winding roads of Mulholland, and the urban streets of Los Angeles!"
"Cacaw!" "Cheep Cheep!" "Hoo Hoo!" "Kaaaawk!" "Chk Chk!" "Squack!" "Twee Twee", the rest of them cried, and thus was born the majestic group The Latebirds.
We are 30-strong with Jenny (EAGLE), Dean (FALCON), Rob (CONDOR), Charlie (OSPREY), Shirley (BLUEJAY), Aaron (SPARROW), Yuka (MAGPIE), Aris (BURROW OWL), Cole (NIGHTHAWK), Mika (FINCH), Ryan (TITMOUSE), Jordan (JAILBIRD), Dylan (EGRET), Steve (TOFURKEY), Chad (PEACOCK), Vanessa (PEAHEN), Rye (RAVEN), Nik (VULTURE), Brittney (GHETTO BIRD), Tommy (FREEBIRD), Mathieu (GOOSE), Lorainne (THUNDERBIRD), Boy Dean (BLACKBIRD), and Trevor (SKEET-its not a bird, but it flies!), Coleman (IBIS), Johnny (LOON), Dustin (COCK), Levon (CASSOWARY), Cam (PELICAN), and Garvan (DIRTY BIRD)!
We ride every Tuesday and every weekend so if you would like to join the 'Birds or just hang out, please send us a message!