My Kids. Drums, Music, 67-72 American Muscle Cars, Money, Wine, the Oakland Raiders, Harley-Davidson, Pizza, Sushi, and the Beach.
Cool people with limited, low, or zero Drama Factor.
History Channel, VH1 Classic, Channel 2 News with Dennis Richmond and Julie Hayner.
Biographies and History.
Cozy Powell, Dean Martin, Matt Sorum, Howie Long, Gozo Shioda, David Lee Roth, Leon Redbone, Steve Earle, Robert Chilton, Arlen Ness, Steve Smith, Jimmy Buffett, Lyle Lovett, John Nerres, Ozzy, Bo Jackson, Willie Nelson, Robben Ford, the dude who invented Astroglide, Gregg Allman, Matty Barrato, Denny Carmassi, Peter North, Dwight Yokam, Dave Navarro, Jamie Hooker, Neil Diamond, Johnny Cash, Dano, Phil Rudd, Lyle Alzado, Whitney Houston, Steven Segal, and Al Davis.