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I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm 25-years-old and I currently reside in Brooklyn, N.Y. I'm very outgoing and I love to have a good time. People who are close to me will probably tell you that I'm very playful. Besides that I don't know what else to say. Right now it's kind of difficult to describe myself because I'm changing so much. Within the past two years I've been discovering alot about myself. I'm just kind of flowing. I just want to fulfill God's will for my life. Having a relationship with Him has become the center of my life, so wherever He leads me, that's where I'll be.
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My Interests

I Love to sing, read and write. Out of the three I mentioned I love singing most. I'm always singing...around the house, at work, all day, everyday. If only I was getting paid according to how much I sing, I would be a millionaire.

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet my maternal grandmother. She died before I was born and my mom always talks about her. I realized that she had a profound impact on my mom's life, so I'd be interested in meeting the person who's responsible for raising her. I'd also really like to meet Kirk Franklin because I love his music. Every album he makes seems to directly coorelate to a significant phase of my life.


I ABSOLUTELY LOVE music. All different types of music. I mostly listen to gospel and R&B but I also love rap. I like Opera, and classical music. Basically I like a little of everything. I have to thank my Dad for my love of music. He was always filling my head w/ those Sam Cooke tunes when I was younger and now that I'm older I can't get enough.


My favorite movie is Pretty Woman. I think all girls like to think that their dreams will come true when they least expect it.


You would think that I watch a lot of television being that I have a degree in Broadcast Journalism. But really I'm too busy most of the time to watch TV. But my favorite station is PBS, and the Christian Networks. I like to stay informed about current events.


The Last book I read was YOUR BEST LIFE NOW by Pastor Joel Osteen. Another book I loved was Lord Change My Attitude Before It's Too Late. Both books have a lot to do with changing the way you think and being more grateful. I definitely need it, and will probably read them many times during my lifetime.


Besides Jesus of course, my mom is my hero. She has always been there to support me and give me lots of love. I don't think I could've gotten a more loving mother. Even if I would've picked her myself.

My Blog

Youre Wanted (Leahs Complex)

This weekend I had a rare opportunity to watch some TV. Like millions of other Americans I found myself tuning in to a typical reality show. The show is called Dr. 90210. It documents the stories of p...
Posted by Jennifer on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 01:25:00 PST

Are You Really In Love? many people use your name in vain. Love...those who have faith in you sometimes go astray If you're a music lover like myself you will probably recognize the above lyrics from 1 of many son...
Posted by Jennifer on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 12:37:00 PST

Watched pots never boil.

Picture this if you will: You've just been in the car for the past 3 hours on your way to your favorite amusment park. You jump out of the car. Pay for your ticket and then you're off. You're so excit...
Posted by Jennifer on Tue, 15 Aug 2006 12:46:00 PST