Ladies and gentlemen, I call myself Jam Malone. I am a classically trained pianist who was engaged as arranger and keyboardist for 12 years in a heavy metal group called Abysmal Crucifix. Prior to that, I performed in a rock combo called Sextronic Rocket Society for six years. Even earlier, I performed with an associative, acid-jazz commune (with a rotating group of 36 players, all well-versed in jazz improvisation) called Jazz Lung.
In 1987, I received a Masters degree in composition and musicology from Brandeis University. Since then, I have worked steadily as a musician and waiter in the Los Angeles area. In February of 2006, I retired from both industries to a small ranch outside of Glendive, Montana, but just over a year later I returned to the hustle and bustle of Hollywood. I just couldn't resist.