...the people I want to meet are the ones, which touch my heart from the first moment I see them. People who move me and make me believe that I can trust them...maybe some of them becoming friends for the rest of my life...
Besides the possible I'd love to meet or even just see:
Sean Astin - I met him already but I would take any chance to meet him again. He is one of the few people I look up to...not because he looks good and not because he's famous but because of what he has achieved in life...
Johnny Depp - Someone else I look up to, someone who can move me and impress me. Again it is not appearance (at least not the most of it) which makes me wish to meet him. He sticks to his own style no matter what may be, he seems to be a down-to-earth person despite of all the fandom and publicity around him, he seems to be a loving and caring father to his kids, and he's been through a whole lot in life... he's shown that everyone can achieve something big...if willing.
Peter Jackson - who has made a hero come to life. With the making of the Lord of the Rings he has touched many hearts, fulfilled many dreams and provoked a never-seen fandom...I'd love to thank him in person for what he has done for many Tolkien fans all over the world and also for bringing the book into a new generation as well...
Liv Tyler - the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. If I would look anything like her I'd be the happiest person on earth. She seems to be really sweet and natural and - as far as my dad could see - she IS a natural beauty...I would feel really special to have met her...
Elvis Presley - okay okay okay, I know he's dead but let a silly girl dream alright! Maybe when I die he will pick me up at the gates of heaven (or hell) :D And we'll sing songs together and have fun...
Edward Cullen - Who doesn't, right? Who doesn't want to meet the perfect human-like being he is? And it's NOT about the actor behind Edward...he's just weird-looking and ...well strange. But Edward...well read the books then you'll know what I mean. I want to meet MY Edward Cullen...