psychology, films, documentaries,literature and history. I love Cats and Bats.
my eyes tattooed on yours
I love all music: Gothik Rock, Heavy and Glam Rock, New Wave and Punk, Bossa Nova, Salsa brava,Cumbia, bullerengue, abosao, currulao, Tango!!!
All David Lynch. Hitchcock, Tim Burton, Peter Greenaway, David Cronenberg, Fernando Meirelles, Sofia Coppola, Jean Pierre Jeunet.
Prison Break (I loveU, Wentworth), The L World, Lost(By Hanso corporation). Niñera SOS... y El Show de Jimmy
Fragmentos de amores furtivos (Hector Abad Faciolince), La HIstoriadora (elizabeth kostova), el tunel (e. sabato), el perfume (p. suskind), pubis angelical (m. puig), erase una vez el amor pero tuve que matarlo (e.medina), Bukowski.
My Dad.