Maro Feld, born on 21th september 1981 in the german state Hessen. recieved the first guitar with 4 years and started writing with age 8. "During my teenage time I was a member of several shortlife bands ("Davie" and others), till I founded "Veloci Raptor" in 2001. The name was inspired by the Dinosaur who became famous during the 90´s and was a small but intelligent killer. In 2007 we shortened the band name into "V-Raptor", to give the people an easier and more modern writing". The music changed from Rock n´Roll into folk, Glam Rock and electric art well visits into the classic of the 17th century and took curently the direction of Punk Rock.
Maro beside studied archaeology and philosphy. She has just finished her new album and new songs like "Finish" just appear here on myspace.
Also there were many short stories of her puplished in various magazines and articles related to music and horror. She´s a great fan of the works of H.P.Lovecraft and likes to include some strangeness and otherworldlyness into her sounds. You can find some stuff related to the band on the Marc bolan World site:
There are also many songs on Acidplanet.com1. Bandora Ghost Story
2. Battery Park
3. Behind the Mirrors
4. Beyound the Stars
5. Blues for the Boy
6. Bye Bye Pinky
7. chrome Sitar and the Meadows of Stars
8. Come and Join my World
9. crazy Child
10. Do you still like me when I´m a monster
11. Noveless
12. Song für David (german language)
13. Those Wells
14. Threaded like CensoredIf you want a special song or have questions send us a messageMarnon BolawA Photographic Journal of England
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