Alex profile picture


PEACHES PEACHES. Peaches are here !!!!!!!!!

About Me

Greetings and salutations allow me to introduce myself I am Alex

Yep I'm in merry old England. Sorted.
Originally from the middle of nowhere in west sussex which is better than the arse end of nowhere I suppose, at least it's green. Oh and it rains, not as much as you think though, anyway I digress.

I moved to brighton last october and haven't looked back since, with its many clubs and public houses its great! I don't want to leave!

Except to travel I suppose, thats one thing I wouldn't mind doing, would really like to see down under if I ever get the chance and the cash!

Enough of my waffle if you want to know more about me give us a shout.

This profile was edited with muttie Editor

My Interests

Ladies, Remote controlled gadgets, widgets and fingy mabob type things, Tanks, Hummers, Making stuff, Building stuff, Destroying stuff, Shooting stuff and generally blowing shit up.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone with common interests.


Any thing with decent dance beat. And none of that soulful, r'n'b, hip hop, destiny's child crap.


HEAT and too many more to name.


E- tales Vol 1, 2 & 3. Best and worst of internet humour. Vol 1. ISBN 0-304-35727-8. Read it you know you want to! But be ready to kiss your afternoon goodbye!


oh i dunno, James Bond, maybe

My Blog

welcome to my space

Welcome to my space henceforth this blog will be known as: The Cookie Jar. or The Jar for short. this colour scheme though drab will be easier on your eyes. anyway nothing to see yet, check back soon....
Posted by Alex on Tue, 04 Apr 2006 02:51:00 PST