Kati.logic ™ aka. KMP [Dennis' girl] profile picture

Kati.logic ™ aka. KMP [Dennis' girl]

I'll slice you open and steal back my love from youimg src=http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l186/ha

About Me

Hello there.
I'm called Kati or Katrina, a few ppl got also other names for me XD. I am 19 years old. [my birthday is on 5th june]
I live in a very boring and stupid part of germany.
But I'm moving to Dortmund this year.
I don't care about myspacedrama and I just make fun of those guys, who do.
I don't join any trains or do post whore for whore codes.
myspace is just entertainment.
I've got a lovely boyfriend and he really matches with me.
I love my friends. I don't got a lot, but the few I've got are the best in the world!
I'm half german and half filipina.
I'll spend 6 weeks this year with my best friend in the philippines
and it's gonna be fucking great.
I am a vegetarian. I do it for myself and not for others. I don't care if someone else is vegetarian.
I do smoke but I don't drink.
I love photography and my biggest wish is to go to Australia one day.
I don't fit in ur cliche!
I hate stupid ppl.
They think they're something better,
cuz of their lot of non matching tattoos, their ugly pierced faces and their damaged plactic hair. XD
I love to fool around, so if u want me to like u, just talk non-sense-stuff XD.
but don't mess up with me, I can be a fucking bitch if I want. XD hahaha.
what ever. myspace is just a website so..
u can't judge me for this txt!
write me and u'll see, I'm a friendly person.
I'm friendly/nice/cute/stupid/mean/naughty/foolish/anoying/cleve r/smart/taugh/...
when I like to & u give me a reason to be.
talk or just fuck off then.. hahaha..
don't try to be like a friend to me.
don't walk behind her, she won't lead..
don't walk in front of her, she won't follow..
walk beside her and she'll walk everywhere with u.
to do list:
finish school [ ]
find a job [ ]
continue my Tattoo [ ]
move to NRW [ ]
complete my camera epuipment [ ]
do more sports xD [ ]

My Interests

Denen gewidmet, die es verdient haben so genannt zu werden, aber es nicht mehr wert sind, es auszusprechen ^-^.

msn: [email protected]
icq: 194 943 618
yahoo: [email protected]

Sex and the city.
Friends/Family/My Boyfriend Summer/Spring/Sunset.
Tattoos/Piercings. [in a nice kind of way.]
Fooling around/laughing.
Watermelon. yummy ^-^''
Make up/hairstyling/Fashion/Shopping.
Quality Street Candy.
Chinese/Vegetarian food.
Starbucks/Dunkin Donuts.
Harry Potter.
Checked Chemise on guys ^-^''.
Meeting new Ppl.

Fakes/Famebitches/Plastics/Stupid Ppl.
Ppl who think they're something better just of a website.
Empty Promises.
Wasting Time.
Waiting [too long]/Ppl coming to late.

I'd like to meet:


Hi BolloKarl, woaaah baby.. thx for the add.. xDD

My Sugarpumkin

our memories will always remain..

Dennis & my story continued after more than a year.
and it makes me very glad to say, I couldn't be happier.
He makes me so complete, that I can't believe how lucky I am.
I'm so thankful that he stepped into my life. I never want to miss the time with him ever again.
I love to fool around with him or run to the train. go to shows or just go shopping or to star bucks ♥
or just watch him when he sleeps.
The way he touches and kisses me is magical. I love all the way it goes.
the girl who would give everything she has for you.


i like
Bree Bree
wee wee ^.^
I usally listen to what I want.
I don't listen to only one genre.
It always depends on my mood.
Music makes me complete.


Favorite movies:
Sweeney Todd
50 first Dates
Ps: Ich liebe dich
28 Days later
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Saw 1+2+3+4
Across the universe


Spongebob squarepants, doodelz, american Dad, Family guy, drawn togehter, parental control, (if I can, Miami Ink on DMAX,)desperate Housewifes, charmed^.^,Grace' anatomy,


The Sugarpumkins™

Jason Lewis is good looking but MY BOYFRIEND is the best!

My Blog

Diese Geschichte

Es ist schön zu wissen, dass man glücklich miteinander ist und weiß, dass es Liebe ist.. Nun ist eine Weile vergangen als ich ihn zum ersten Mal getroffen habe und ich kann dieses Gefühl immernoch in ...
Posted by Kati.logic ™ aka. KMP [Dennis' girl] on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 02:52:00 PST

das Unfassbare

Dennis.du machst mich glücklich.mehr und mehr machst du dich selbst zu meiner Droge.Dein Lachen ist wie der Sonnenschein. ich höre dein Lachen so gerne.ich liebe es mit dir rumzualbern und kindisch zu...
Posted by Kati.logic ™ aka. KMP [Dennis' girl] on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 06:06:00 PST

A never fading memory...

I've seen many places..I meet a lot of people..I made a lot mistakes..and I truely know, all of them I'll never regret..mistakes i made will never be continued.they were right. I had to learn.And now?...
Posted by Kati.logic ™ aka. KMP [Dennis' girl] on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 02:49:00 PST

Was es ist

Es ist Unsinnsagt die Vernunft.es ist, was es ist, sagt die liebees ist Unglück sagt die Berechnunges ist nichts als Schmerzsagt die Angstes ist aussichtslossagt die Einsichtes ist, was es ist, sagt d...
Posted by Kati.logic ™ aka. KMP [Dennis' girl] on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 02:12:00 PST

Die Welt des Grauens.

Sind wir gute Vorbilder?leben wir den Kindern von morgen ein gutes Verhalten vor?Ich habe das Gefühl wir versinken in einer Seuche von Clonen.ich wette, 7 von 10 Personen, die diesen Text lesen, sehen...
Posted by Kati.logic ™ aka. KMP [Dennis' girl] on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 01:24:00 PST

verstehst du?

kennst du das, wenn du dich dort wo du zuhause bist nicht mehr heimisch fühlst? kennst du das, dass du nicht mehr willkommen bist, da wo du eig. willkommen sein solltest?kennst du das, wenn du nur no...
Posted by Kati.logic ™ aka. KMP [Dennis' girl] on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 07:52:00 PST

ein langer Weg.

Du kannst nicht immer bei mir sein. fast nie. kaum. eigentlich gar nicht. doch ich warte auf dich. egal wann. egal wo. Weil ich weiß, dass sich unsere Wege immer wieder kreuzen werden. Ob heute oder m...
Posted by Kati.logic ™ aka. KMP [Dennis' girl] on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 01:08:00 PST

ein stiller Schrei

Wenn man in einem Raum voller Menschen steht und sich trotzdem einsam und verlassen fühlt, obwohl diese Menschen, die um einen rum, die Menschen sind, die man um sich herum haben möchte, verzweifelt m...
Posted by Kati.logic ™ aka. KMP [Dennis' girl] on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 02:24:00 PST


Ich erwachte in einem Traum.In diesem Traum warst du an meiner Seite.Ich fühlte mich wohl und geborgen.Ich hatte dieses vertraute Gefühl in mir.Deine Wärme durchflutete meinen Körper.Deine Hände hielt...
Posted by Kati.logic ™ aka. KMP [Dennis' girl] on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 11:49:00 PST

beeing heartless

feelings. what ever.they don't mean anything.they are illusions. they are just something we don't know to use.so I hide em. I try to keep them in the deepest bottom in my heart.just to show, that a li...
Posted by Kati.logic ™ aka. KMP [Dennis' girl] on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 04:20:00 PST