Miche-l-e profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I am a WAHM. I have a Son who turned 3 in July. He is the love of my life and I have never seen anything more beautiful than him. I hate missing people and that sucks because most of my loved ones are 2000 miles away! I am happiest when I am hanging with my friends or spending precious moments with my Son. I used to love being on the road and traveling but life changes after you have children. I hope to get back to that someday. I moved to AZ mainly because I cannot take the cold and I NEED the sun. I am a simple person with many thoughts. If you have something for me to think about it better be good because my mind is already full. I hate ignorance and people that lack consideration. For the most part I am easy to get along with, I am a fantastic friend.... however if you cross me I can be your worst enemy. I do not conform to the rules of society for I think they are foolish. Government, Doctors and the whole Insurance/Prescription industry make me sick. Religion is just another word for a cult in my opinion..... but that's just MY opinion. I believe in true love and that the world would be a better place if there was more of it. People lack compassion and empathy these days and it's just too bad. I love Red Wine and though I may drink a little too much, it sure does my heart and soul some good. I need something to slow my mind down at the end of the day :)

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Take the quiz:
How much do you hate Bush?

You rule, I despise Bush as much as you do. You understand how dimwitted he is and much of an opinionated dick head he is. Thank you for making America a better place.. even though it sucks anyway.
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

My Interests

I love to travel and see new places. I don't get to very much anymore...(baby)but hopefully someday I can get back on the road again. These days I mostly Jam with the baby and have drinks with friends to get away!

I'd like to meet:

Chris Farley, Jim Morrison, I can't think of anyone still living....actually I'd like to meet the President so I could kick him in the teeth!


Mostly classic rock...pretty much like everything but country.


I enjoy comedy the most....but can always go for some drama!


Desperate Housewives, The Shield, House, family Guy, The Wonder Years, Grey's Anatomy, ER, Hell's Kitchen


My Mother As well as my amazing Son Tyler and all the Mothers of children affected by Autism.

My Blog

Multiple causes of Autism

Multiple Causes of AutismSpectrum DisordersInternational Medical Veritas AssociationIt seems health officials want to talk about everyimaginable issue affecting children other than autism.Pointing the...
Posted by Miche-l-e on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 09:48:00 PST

Ingredients in Vaccines...know what you are injecting into your babies

Ingredients used in vaccines: Viral and Bacterial RNA & DNA Aluminum Hydroxide Aluminum Phosphate Ammonium Sulfate Amphotericin B ANIMAL TISSUES: pig blood, horse blood, rabbit brain, dog kidney, ...
Posted by Miche-l-e on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 09:27:00 PST

The Mercury-Autism connection

Q: How is Mercury Poisoning related to Autism?In their paper "Autism: A Unique Type of Mercury Poisoning" Bernard et. al, www.autism.com/ari/mercurylong.html have revealed a startling similarity in th...
Posted by Miche-l-e on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 09:23:00 PST