“In the evening of life, we will be judged on love alone.†I have experience love beyond this age and it has transformed me into a creature who's purpose and capacity i will not truly understand until the Morning Star rises and heavens peel and roll back like a scroll. But as I await the day of rekoning, My life I give you my Lord, My sweet Lord my love I give you. That I may partake of the enchanting beauty of the God head and Join its beloved community. My passion is that the community of the beloved share in the sweet romance of love that it was meant to partake of. I am currently living in Maryland and heavily involved supplementing an already wide spread young adult movement. I along with a team of others have begun to plant a network house churches called "burning heart fellowship(www.burningheartfellowship.com) We believe that the spirit of God is issueing in this hour to body of christ a call back to authentic community that the church would once again be made alive in love! That we would once again arise to the call of our beloved rescuer and with a burning fire in our hearts and enough love to go around we change our community one house at a time!
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