Detective Scroats profile picture

Detective Scroats

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I am a Detective on the police force, but my brother Vic Mackey is a detective on the Strike Team in Farmington. I am better than my brother though....

My Interests

Family Guy, Sex, The Shield, Sex, Oz, Sex, and lots of other things.

I'd like to meet:

Dutch, Acevedo (to kick his ass), any women that are into policemen, or a man in uniform, Your Drinking Hero, Angelina Jolie, that guy that always says Duuuuuuuddddeeee, Lamont Turds, DJ Bust-A-Nut, and some other people that I choose not to mention at this particular time....


Shield theme song, Oz theme song, Family Guy theme song, anything by Lamont Turds or DJ Bust-A-Nut, anything that an "exotic dancer" can shake too...


DUH....the Family Guy movie


The Shield, Oz, Family Guy.


Vic Mackey, Dutch Wagonbach, Curtis Lemansky and the rest of the Strike Team, YDH, K Bizzle Fo Sho