Family,friends, NASCAR, Fighting Fire, TEXAS LONGHORNS, Talking politics, Flying R/C planes and Heli's, Flying, Hunting and anything outdoors!
If you like politics check out my ranting in my blogs!
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Osama Bin Laden so I can Kick his A**!
For real: Sean Hannitty
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Please, if you have a loud stereo in your car, roll up the windows!!!! Nobody cares to hear you music!!!!! Oh and I like anything Country!
Anything funny and a tear jerker every now and then. Urban Cowboy, TOP GUN, Dumb and Dumber.
COPS,Dukes of Hazzard, COPS, CHipS, Emergency, Rescue ME, COPS, NASCAR, Astros, Longhorns Football and COPS! mean magazines!
TaYlOr and the Doctors that saved her life! Our military!