Dr.A Is Now In profile picture

Dr.A Is Now In

You think I beated you at your own game? dont flatter yourself, you were never even a player

About Me

The Calm before the StormBASICSNICK NAME: To ManyFAVORITE WORDS: OOOOOK? and GET SOME! ^_^AGE:18RACE:BLACK and Native AmericanHEIGHT:5'9SKIN TONE:Light BrownEYEZ:BrownHAIR: Short and BlackLOCATION:Oakland, CaliHIGH-SCHOOL:Oakland-HighGRADE:GraduatedC/O:06STATUS:Insa neMultiple Personality (The Storm):(1 of 2)Loveable,cool person to be around, insane and happy most times,both smat and retarted, unique in lots of ways even in attitude , really confident, and I Loves to make people SMILE and LAUGH. Pretty much a flirt really.(2 of 2) Word of advice stay off my bad side because I enjoy BREAKING PEOPLE while in this mood! GET SOME! ^_^

My Interests

This is my cousin/best friend Malique and his girl Theresa. These to belong together and they're closer to me then anyone.Nae Baby- She's my Gaurdian Angel, even though we aren't together she still watchs over me and that I am thankful Lonnae. You truly are that special someone, thats once in a life time and i'll never give up our memories for anything.on this is Nicole, my german sis who is lookin out for me. glad someones lookin out 4 me here.

I'd like to meet:

No OnE



My Blog

Im here Germany.

Hey Ya im finally out of the state but im in germany of all places. ita pretty cool because i Have friends here but they are like at other bases. it sucks but for the most part im happy because i met ...
Posted by MiNoR ShAdOwS on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 06:30:00 PST

Good Newa and Bad news

The bad knews is i got my orders and i have to go to germany for 2 yrs. the good knews is im coming home monday b4 that ^_^
Posted by MiNoR ShAdOwS on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 05:47:00 PST

To escape the past is to sacrifice the future

But what if you embrass it? What will happen to the darkness in that past? will it consume you and fill you with rage? Will it leave your heart frozen or in peases? what if the past controls you like ...
Posted by MiNoR ShAdOwS on Thu, 06 Jul 2006 11:24:00 PST

Until then we wait. ^_^

What is love? I ask myself as I linger patiently day by day for someone in hopes of embracing them in my stirring arms. We find ourselves infatuated with one another and share a parti...
Posted by MiNoR ShAdOwS on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST