*~Lace~* profile picture


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About Me

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All about yourself...the survey.
All about yourself...
First name?:: Lacy
Middle name?:: Ann
Like your name?:: yup!
Named after anyone?:: my middle name came from my Grandmother
Any nicknames?:: Lace, LAW, Waikiki (only Miranda...lol)
Age?:: 22
Birthdate?:: 7/31/84
Birthplace?:: Houston, TX
Time you were born?:: 6 AM
Current location?:: College Station, TX :)
Height?:: 5'6"
Like your height?:: a couple more inches would be nice...but i'm satisfied
Eye color?:: blue/green...they change depending on what i wear!
Contacts/glasses?:: nah
Hair color?:: blonde!
Natural hair color?:: blonde!
Dye your hair often?:: never
Righty or lefty?:: LEFTY!!! :)
Your favorite...
Type of music?:: country, rap, or christian...nice mix right? :)
Band or singer?:: too many!
TV show?:: Grey's Anatomy!!! Sex & the City, Law & Order, and SportsCenter
Movie?:: dunno...like lots...especially any sports movie
TV channel?:: ESPN maybe?
Radio station?:: hmm...don't really have a "favorite" right now...
Place to be?:: any beach/lake or mountain :)
Thing to do?:: EAT! :)
Food?:: shrimp...pizza...or chocolate...
Non alcoholic drink?:: sprite...or maybe OJ
Alcoholic drink?:: "Pimp Juice" :)
Animal?:: dog...any kind!...but especially my little pug!!
Holiday?:: Easter
Season?:: summer...my birthday!
Sport?:: basketball...love to watch...but can't play for crap
Place to shop?:: Wal-Mart?? lol
Clothing brand?:: not big into brands except my jeans...and they're BKE or Lucky
Scent?:: for me...Lacoste...for a guy...Aqua Di Gio...MMMMM!!
Restaurant?:: hmm...prob Chili's
Fruit?:: strawberries!!!
Vegetable?:: FRIED okra...still a veggie right?
Fast food restaurant?:: not big into fast food...except Little Caesar's pizza!!
Pizza topping?:: pepperoni!
Ice cream flavor?:: Chocolate...or Cookies 'n Cream
Magazine?:: ESPN or SI
City?:: ummm...LA maybe
Color?:: TEAL
Number?:: 7
This or that...
Chocolate or vanilla?:: chocolate :)
Pepsi or coke?:: sprite
Hot or cold?:: hot
Black or white?:: depends...
Dog or cat?:: dog
French toast or pancakes?:: pancakes
French fries or onion rings?:: french fries
Hamburger or hot dog?:: tricky...depends on my mood
Pepperoni or sausage?:: pepperoni
Britney or Christina?:: hmm...neither?
McDonalds or Burger King?:: McDonalds
50 Cent or Eminem?:: 50 Cent
Canada or Mexico?:: dunno...
Hug or kiss?:: both!!...but prob kiss :)
Movies or TV?:: either
Truth or dare?:: truth
Do you...
Shower daily?:: yessir
Sing in the shower?:: sometimes :)
Like to sing?:: LOVE to sing
Like to dance?:: yup
Smoke?:: ewwww...no
Drink?:: occasionally
Cuss?:: try not to!
Talk to yourself?:: guilty...
Believe in yourself?:: yes!
Play an instrument?:: used to...piano
Go to school?:: one more semester...WHOOP!!!!
Go to college?:: see above ;)
Have a job?:: currently unemployed and loving it!
Like your job?:: hopefully i will like it when i start!
Want to get married?:: of course!!
Want to have kids?:: possibly...
Get along with your parents?:: sometimes
Get along with your siblings?:: now that i'm outta the house yes
Drive?:: yes
Do you think you're trustworthy?:: very
Think your funny?:: not so much...but i have my moments!
Ever toilet papered someones house?:: haha...i'm from longview...so yes
Gone garbage can tipping?:: don't think so
What are your parents names?:: Rodney and Peggy
Siblings names?:: Lane
Do you wash your hands frequently?:: i guess...when i go to the bathroom...
How many time a day do you brush your teeth?:: twice...unless more is necessary
Collect anything?:: shot glasses...lol...and playing cards
Ever been in love?:: ya
In love right now?:: ...
What color pants are you wearing right now?:: black stretchy pj pants
How does your hair look?:: pulled back
Ever had your heartbroken?:: ya :(
Ever broken the law?:: yup :)
Been arrested?:: close but no
Been out of the country?:: ya
Can you stick your fist in your mouth?:: if i try really hard
When was the last time you got drunk?:: hmm...last week at the boats with the girls :)
Do you do drugs?:: NOOOOO
When was the last time you were high on anything?:: never
Do you prefer the lights on or off?:: depends...
Would you ever get plastic surgery?:: doubt it
Do you prefer boxers or briefs?:: boxers for sure!
Do you like to laugh?:: LOVE to laugh
Ever had a bloody nose?:: yes :(
Have you ever caught a fish?:: of course!!
What was the last thing you ate?:: Morgan's chili...and it was GOOOOD!
What time do you go to bed?:: it's always changing...
What's your favorite color?:: TEAL (didn't it already ask this??)
Do you like to give or recieve?:: give
Are you obsessed with anything/anyone?:: Grey's Anatomy!!!...oh...and all Aggie sports...WHOOP! :)
Do you live alone?:: nope...with Morgie!
Do you own a blender?:: yes...i got one for Christmas!!
Do you like the snow?:: i love snow!
Ever been up a mountain?:: yup yup
Ever been rootin'?:: guess not?
Do you like surprises?:: love surprises :)
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My Interests


country, rap, or christian...nice mix right? :)


Grey's Anatomy, SportsCenter, Law& Order, Desperate Housewives,...


the Bible!, For Women Only (girls...this is great for understanding guys!!!)


GOD!! :) a sunset this beautiful...how could He not be?!?!