red, yeah profile picture

red, yeah

sometimes the juice is worth the squeeze

About Me

i am the ultimate halfro, half blizzack and half wiggety white, i like to believe that i am ultra ghetto but in reality i'm the furthest thing from it. my tan isn't fake and i have a breadtab collection from when i was young that i'm just dying to show off. when i was a kid i used to ask if i could have some butter on my hand, which i guess explains my theory today that butter really does taste good on anything. breathing underwater is still very difficult for me but i'm a quick learner if anyone is willing to teach.other than that i am one fun asscracker and have no problem saying what's on my mind. i seem to be a magnet for straight girls testing their possible lesbianhood on me, which, by the way, i am perfectly okay with doing...anything for a friend.i play the piano, i have a mini curly afro type thing goin' on, my roses have never smelled like poo poo, and my best pick up line? is that a keg in your back pocket? cuz i'd really like to TAP THAT ASS...damn, no wonder i'm single... or am i?
Your Seduction Style: The Natural
You don't really try to seduce people... it just seems to happen.
Fun loving and free spirited, you bring out the inner child in people.
You are spontaneous, sincere, and unpretentious - a hard combo to find!
People drop their guard around you, and find themselves falling fast. What Is Your Seduction Style?

My Interests

POOL!! if anyone wants to play i'm always down for a game..but i will make you cry. um... any sport, summertime barbecues with good friends, hold 'em, breakdancing, doing the robot, making crappy paper airplanes, grilled cheese sandwiches with pickles on the side, having a gigglefest with gabe-o-licious, miniature paper cranes, practicing the roger rabbit, attaining jesse's super sleuth status, folding white towels, discovering new taste-deprived beers, surviving the Circle of Doom, finding out what people are all about, dancing to michael jackson in my underwear and making anyone including myself smile

I'd like to meet:

i pretty much like anyone who isn't an ass, nice people turn me on, just sayin'... i also enjoy cheesy laffy taffy jokes, so if you have a really good one let me know. for instance (cough cough) did you hear about the guy who fell into the upholstry machine? yeah, he's fully recovered. hahahaha. haha... see that's funny. now you try.
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ben harper, john legend, anthony hamilton, zero 7, level 42, boyz II men, the roots, george clinton, damian marley, michael jackson (awww yeeeah) 90's music, 80's music, 70's music, jazz, funk music, motown music, music, and uh....ah yes, kelly clarkson. and if anyone makes fun of me for that i will poke them in the left eye.


garden state, last samurai, dumb and dumber, ace ventura 1 and 2, liar liar, elf is hilarious...."SANTAAAAA!!!! i KNOW him!!", old school, anchorman, house of sand and fog, stolen summer, 13 conversations about one thing, shaun of the dead (if you haven't seen that movie you suck, just kidding but seriously you should watch it) ummm there's more but i can't think right now cause i'm "working"


family guy, LOST, and futurama are the only shows i frequently watch...or any sports channel


ender's game, house of sand and fog, way of the peaceful warrior, and from when i was a wee little one - secret garden


maya angelou, she is AMAZING