G*- Beezy™ (GO DODGERS!) profile picture

G*- Beezy™ (GO DODGERS!)

I am here for Friends

About Me

"My heart is like my stomach: Feed it once, you get a heartbeat. Feed it twice, it'll beat faster. But if you feed my soul, I'll give it to you forever."
☆ I'm a sweet, caring, extra super nice, very helpful guy who takes time out of my schedule and tries his best to get 2 know people. Unfortunately, all you get to see is the dark, cynical, doesn't take shit to give a shit, headbuttin' dykes sorta individual everytime I log into this goddamn site. I don't pretend to have all the answers in life nor do I act accordingly to what some perceive as "disillusional". All you need to know is I either like you or I don't. ★
Thanks for stopping by. Before asking me a question, please take time to read amply below for more info/Myspace inquiries.
Name : Glenn (two N's)
Nicks: g* / gleminem
Nationality : Pilipino
Birthplace : Manila, PH
Birthday : 30/09/1978
Height : 5'8
Eye Color : Brown
Hair color : Black
Social status : Swingle
Blood type : AB
Motto: "Boobies!"
I AM...
--Open minded
--Not afraid to love
--Not afraid to live
--A Hopeless Romantic
--Dirty Mindeded
-- Nakama*
*Japanese Trans. (beyond being just a friend/ someone to depend on no matter what)
What interests me...
--NesQuick Chocolate
--Free Thinking
--Art(ful) Junk
--Fat Chicks
What I enjoy...
--Going on adventures
--Get togethers w/ special people
--Sitting around a t.v. and watching my shows.
--Hot Lesbians Kissing! haha
I think/believe...
--Karma is a motherfucker.
--Everyone is entitled to an opinion.
--Blondes tease ...Brunettes please...
--Nice guys finish last because assholes fuck first.
--If my boobs were any bigger, I'd get in clubs for free!
--California, as a state.
--Parents, Family
--Getting Pinched By Random Chicks.
--Discovering Things!
--Plastic People
--Red Eggs
--Not Getting What I Want
Ten Things You Should Know:
    I actually read people's intros. I lurk this site. It's a bad hobby, I know. I'm good at it though! Horror Flicks, Loud Music, Pop Rocks, Pro Wrestling interest me. I add people on occassion. I have fun with my friends on here. I'm a very cynical person but with a nice persona. I contradict myself ... I like friends with a sense of humor. Honestly, I could care less what you think of me. I'm not trying to be cool or wanna take your friends. I'll try and be nice to you. Maybe.

    Glenn's tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried. Glenn counted to infinity - twice. Glenn does not hunt because the word hunting infers the probability of failure. Glenn goes killing. If you can see Glenn, he can see you. If you can't see Glenn you may be only seconds away from death. Glenn sold his soul to the devil for his rugged good looks and unparalleled martial arts ability. Shortly after the transaction was finalized, Glenn roundhouse kicked the devil in the face and took his soul back. The devil, who appreciates irony, couldn't stay mad and admitted he should have seen it coming. They now play poker every second Wednesday of the month. When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night he checks his closet for Glenn. Glenn built a time machine and went back in time to stop the JFK assassination. As Oswald shot, Glenn met all three bullets with his beard, deflecting them. JFK's head exploded out of sheer amazement. Glenn has already been to Mars; that's why there are no signs of life there. They once made a Glenn toilet paper, but it wouldn't take shit from anybody. A blind man once stepped on Glenn's shoe. Glenn replied, "Don't you know who I am? I'm Glenn!" The mere mention of his name cured this man blindness. Sadly the first, last, and only thing this man ever saw, was a fatal roundhouse delivered by Glenn.

Your Birthdate: September 30
-Your birthday on the 30th day of the month shows individual self-expression is necessary for your happiness.
-You tend to have a good way of expressing yourself with words, certainly in a manner that is clear and understandable.
-You have a good chance of success in fields requiring skill with words.
-You can be very dramatic in your presentation and you may be a good actor or a natural mimic.
-You have a vivid imagination that can assist you in becoming a good writer or story-teller.
-Strong in your opinions, you always tend to think you are on the right side of an issue.
-There may be a tendency to scatter your energies and have a lot of loose ends in your work.
-You may have significant artistic talent and be very creative.
LIBRA MEN: Looks for the whole experience, not just a tumble between the sheets. Has a definite kinky side, a voyeur and fond of the menage a trois. He has the patience needed to satisfy. He likes women who dress well and have long hair. If a woman's clothes look as though they are easily removed, he finds her hard to ignore. Erogenous zone: back and buttocks, especially the feel of erect nipples against either of them!
What I look for in a girl...
I'm actually blunt when it comes to females. I like them to be able to cook. I can't stand girls who can't. It's just a weird habit of mine. Basically, doesn't matter what she looks like/hails from/color of her hair as long as she gets down to bidness in the kitchen, we'll be fine.
I also wouldn't mind a girl with a sense of style. I know it's hard to depict this trait but trust me, I've seen some girls who haven't a clue as what to wear and what not to when they're trying to attract the opposite sex. I'm not saying she has to dress hooker-ish but it wouldn't hurt every now and then! Gotta look good for the people staring at her, right?
Finally, I want her to be able to put up with my sarcasm. It's hard! Even my mom sometimes thinks I'm the spawn of Satan 'cos of the remarks I say. If this girl is to be my "bonnie", she gotta realize that I take things with a grain of salt. If I'm being funny, she has to understand it. A happy girl, is what I'm asking for. No problems or baggage.
10 Things I Hate About Myspace
    You get added to a page and then expect people to comment you. Private profiles. I'll never understand why you'd sign up for a free public account then act like you want to be noticed. There is absolutely no one stalking you. Seriously. Bulletin whores. example: friend trains of people you don't want to add. Friend whores. example: more friends than comments and/or over 300,000. unless you're a celeb or a musician, you're NOT that popular. kthanx. When chicks post the same picture but in different angles then they want you to comment all of them. Spammers/Phishers A million and one slide shows plus 2,000 anime music videos with 8.2 billion embeded comments from their friends. Load time = pain in the ass. Myspace layouts with hard to read fonts and hides contact tables so no way of letting him/her know their page sucks. PeOpLE wHO TYpE LyKE tHIs ...on purpose. Message board flamers who think they know everything in the whole world but haven't even seen a chick naked yet. Douchebags, swallow a monster load!

10 Things I Like About Myspace
    Random comments Finding people I used to know and saying hello. Jenna Jameson, Pamela Anderson, and HIN car models. Great musicians, comedians, and other creative individual pages. Weird folks like me. We're a rare and dying breed nowadays. Lurker Status Practicing CSS/HTML on my page and pissing off my friends in the process! Hahaha. Good, honest people who seem geniune in their approach to making new friends. Sending funny ass shit to the people on my list and them accepting the comment approval. Running across a midget profile, forwarding it to special people, get a laugh at how cute it is, log off.

10 Comments You Should Remember
    "Hi. I added you so I was wondering when the hell you're going to ever talk to me?" "Thanks for the add. I wasn't sure if you really did that on purpose or I was just horny at the time." "Oh. Well my girlfriend's on my list but she doesn't know about you. I think I should block her, huh?" "What's L-O-L mean? (pauses) Really? What if I wasn't laughing in real life?" "Yeah. I think I'm number 34,567,920 on your list. But thanks for asking!" "I want a page like yours! Except without all the morbid colors, the afrodisiac comment box, the moving icons, the colorful scrollbar, the glowing links, and Tom." "Do you always look like that or is it just Myspace?" "So wait. You're telling me if I click here, you'll have cyber sex with my donkey?" "How come my uncle's on your sister's boyfriend's nephew's top list and I'm not?" "Remember 404? Those were the days, I tell ya."

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I don't know what it is that makes me feel this way about you. I never want the feeling to subside. Words are meaningless when I'm around your prescence. Trying to understand the nature of our love goes beyond physical, maybe spiritual. May we find the strength to overcome adversity and continue to grow together. Wub you, Angee-kins! (+o_o+)

------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------- About Friend Requests ...
I'm gonna be upfront with you lurkers, I rarely like people I don't know. It takes me some time to open up to internet folks. In the odd case I do find something interesting within your profile, I might click YOUR add me button. As you can see with my list, I'm picky with pictures. All the weirdos on there I either know/got to know/really like/think that we should make hot babies/ and/or for some reason added me and I never got around to deleting their page. Fear not for I actually do care about each and every individual. Don't take shit personal if I don't reply to your message/add you back/send you love notes, it's JUST FUCKING MYSPACE . You'll live through this, I promise. I'm really not inclined to say who stays or who goes. All I know is I don't want a lot of friends who don't even bother to know anything about me. What's the point?
OH and one more thing: If you're a spammer/phisher trying to add me, the joke's on you. I really do read TOM's blog and I know how to mess with you bastards. Go ahead and try me. I guarantee I'll be laughing last.

------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------- About Comments ...
I leave everyone on my list an equal share of words whether it be a picture or an actual comment. I don't favor any one person over another. I like socializing with my entire LIST. Even people who never visit my page or comment back, I never take things to heart. This site is supposed to be fun, right? I've talked to many wonderful/interesting individuals on Myspace.com. It still amazes me even today how certain words can affect a person's day or even their year! All of you should try it once, say "hi" to random folks. It's not so bad when you're both already incognito looking at a box. The one thing that probably will never change is the fact that for a site to call itself a place for friends , there sure are a lot of shy and anti-social lurkers huh?

How come you don't have 39393973 friends like everyone else?
I'd like to think that I'm making a difference in the way people see how this site really works. It's easy to be someone's friend but a lot harder to actually mean it. There are times I want to ignore everyone and just add ridiculously hot out of my league super unknown models but at the same time, my boner won't last that long anyways.
I'm a musician trying to live off scraps and dog shit but think my music really is good. Is there a chance you might be interested in my band?
Probably. Most of the so-called "good" artists here on Myspace.com really aren't that great. I'm not saying I can do any better but I can't do any worse when I have sattirical lyrics and over the top cheesy anthems that pass off for today's youth. I honestly can say that I check out band pages more than personal profiles. This is because they don't have a million slide shows and dumbass surveys I don't really want to read.
Hi I'm (insert name here) and I think you're cute. Wanna chat on my not so free intraweb cam whore site that you will end up paying for afterwards?
The answer is NO. Why would I want to pay for a chick to take her top off on the internet when I can do it live at a strip club? Listen, despite everything you've heard about guys, I'm the last person who will fall for cam whore scams. Plus pixel fornication isn't my idea of a good time. It works for some dudes but I like the feel of soft boobs ...IN REAL TIME. So, yes I'll check you out but NO I'm not paying $23.50 to see nip. Not that I know of these things. *coughs*
How come you have a gazillion comments but your page doesn't load long?
Here's a fun fact: I try to get to know the people on my list by actually asking them how they are, what they've been up to, if they have any hot single female relatives. You'd be surprised how that works in your favor 'cos I guarantee you 99.995% of the time, it makes their day. Plus I think everyone got over the "Thanx 4 Da Add" image comment already. It's 2008, let's mix it up a little!
I put you on my top friends list and I don't see me on yours. What gives?
This one is asked a lot. Hmm. Let me begin by saying (A) I never ask people to put me on their list. Why? Because it's their fucking list and they should put whoever the hell they want there. (B) I really don't give a crap about being courted on a page. I hate the attention to be honest. I'm grateful if you put me on your list, thanks. But it just causes internet drama and I want to say that I randomly chose people on my list to be on it. One day it could be so and so, the next it could be TOM by himself. Besides who's it gonna benefit by putting each other on a list? The point is, don't make it an issue 'cos I comment people regardless. You're all my weirdos. Unless I delete you then that means you really annoyed me.
Finally, why do you always change your page?
Boredom. I'm at work and sometimes I finish too early to do anything. I'm gifted in the arts of HTML so I practice on my page. Hence MY PAGE so if you see it change a gazillion times, sorry? I don't bother people who don't bother to say anything. Either deal with it or the delete button is right there. I'm not making an effort to explain shit on the web. Geez, it's the reason I signed up for an account. To post midget photos and other crazy things on YOUR pages. Can I at least have this one thing? LOL! (whenever i type that in large caption, it really means i'm laughing. what kind of asshole do you think i am if i didn't mean it? lmao.)





Where would I be without you, my precious? +<0_0>+
Sis & Nephew Hizzle Kizzle!
MySpace Idols.

"I would drop my panties...If I had any on!"
- Ari Berry!

"I'm so gangsta that I wore it out like Vans!"
- Shell Brain!!

"Bat-A-Tat Dat Azz Fo' Gotham!"
- Angelikita aka Miss Harley!!

My Blog

Rambo (The Honest Review)

Ok let's get one thing straight: Sly Stallone got wronged by harsh critics who give bad reviews to make themselves look good. I will not stand for it, damn it! John Rambo. It was a basic concept of a ...
Posted by G*- Beezy™ (GO DODGERS!) on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 12:14:00 PST

My Brothers Underwear Keeper

"See I was on the werge of breaking down ..." What is there to say about a man who not only captivated the hearts of many adoring young girls in America with his openly honest vocals and charming Asia...
Posted by G*- Beezy™ (GO DODGERS!) on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 12:30:00 PST

John Cena, How Do I Loathe Thee?

This is completely unbiased and unabridged. My opinions reflect how I feel (and those who realize how bad Cena is at WRESTLING).   Most people who know me, know I hated this clown since Kurt Angl...
Posted by G*- Beezy™ (GO DODGERS!) on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 01:01:00 PST

Whats Kiwi For "Yikes"?

So whenever I visit a new land, I tend to make a habit of picking a piece of soil and putting it in my traveler's kit. It sorta symbolizes the fact that I'm never coming back and if I ever get mauled ...
Posted by G*- Beezy™ (GO DODGERS!) on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 07:51:00 PST

The Relationship Bloggar

Being in a steady and somewhat worthwhile relationship with a girl! sometimes makes me wonder about what goes on in that head of hers. I mean, what if she one day realizes she needed glasses after all...
Posted by G*- Beezy™ (GO DODGERS!) on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 12:18:00 PST

Fisher Price Aint Got Shit On Me.

I always wanted to be an inventor. But not just an average or run of the mill fad creator, no. I envision myself at 40 banging hot college girls and drinking coffee in Mexico somewhere while I lavish ...
Posted by G*- Beezy™ (GO DODGERS!) on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 12:02:00 PST

1 Random Blog To Go, Please!

I was walking around Hollywood BLVD a couple of minutes ago and a few thoughts came to mind: I've always wondered if prostitutes go to heaven. I listened to this sermon in church once about Jesus help...
Posted by G*- Beezy™ (GO DODGERS!) on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 10:29:00 PST

Bling H2O - A Watered Down Look.

Before I begin this, let me first warn you of its content: liquid aqua. Expensive liquid that might upset you so I am not responsible for your re-action. Now that's out of the way ... *ahem* It was br...
Posted by G*- Beezy™ (GO DODGERS!) on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 01:15:00 PST

Infomercials Inside An In-Flight Movie?

As I'm on my flight, I realized that I was watching this really annoying health nut talk about cardio workouts and drinking non protein shakes to help get some fat people into shape. Bare in mind that...
Posted by G*- Beezy™ (GO DODGERS!) on Sat, 14 Jul 2007 02:49:00 PST

A Race For The Cure, Live Band Wanted.

This is the most sentimental blog I have ever written in my life. I'm not just saying this to appeal more towards sympthy or have girls think my penis is large, no. I do this because I care. Lately, ...
Posted by G*- Beezy™ (GO DODGERS!) on Fri, 13 Jul 2007 10:29:00 PST