Things that go boom, Communist by day, Anarchist by night.
If you want to contact me, my msn is [email protected]
yes i know "elmo" is lame... don't remind me...
( NOT hotmail.)
Also meeting a robotic Hitler or automated Jesus-tron would rock.Please... NO more people coming to poke at me, you can seriously go fucking die of something unpleasent, IE Cancer or stoning, you Fucking fucks, I AM NOT HERE FOR YOUR FUCKING ENTERTAINMENT.
If i've upset you, then clearly you're on your way off this page.
Have a nice day.
People I've yet to meet:
Jess the swiss miss
Vina( Fat mainland Panda? -shrugs-)
but in general, i'd like to meet people who kick ass.
yay music
yay dead elvis
Give me Death and Demolition
Anything brain-washing
Musical Stalin (the musical one, not the evil one)