FYRE profile picture


About Me

im swedish/irish/scottish & im a prodigy of 80's metal esp. kiss that likes to draw,make own shirts of bands/comic characters to wear,goin out & drinkin & listen to lots of all various types of metal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have over 30 tattoos===bands==kiss + gene sig.,jugulur,brother + 10 sigs. & logo + didg + celtic knot(from necklace kelci gave me),celeste prince,damian joyce, young dubliners + celtic knot. nickname== fyre. eeyore,maleficient dragon from sleepin beauty(with small mickey ear symbol),donald duck as pirate (newest). moonie & broon==ren faire friends==jugglers,comedians & fire eaters,etc. my most proudest== katchoo from stangers in paradise represents my best friend kelci & symbol of our friendship. my next in due time will be the pirates of carribean logo on my back. i have lots of friends in bands,have done roadie work for them & like to spread the word about them...This profile was edited with MySpace Profile Editor MySpace Profile Editor

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

the other 2 members of kiss===ace & peter to talk to & have them sign my arm for tattoo.wwe's lita,alyssa milano,sandra bullock,johnny depp,darryl hannah,laura dern,the 3 coolest comedians===eddie izzard,robin williams & george carlin,juliya the only choice for host of uranium,orlando bloom & anyone that worked on lord of the rings trilogy & rock/metal rockstars===i collect autographs. make new friends on myspace with similar interests===kiss,metal,fantasy,ren faire,kiss,wrestlin, etc===im just not addin anyone....................

My Blog

KISS RULZZZZZZ 4 LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yep KISS RULZZZZZZ as does heavy metal!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by on Fri, 24 Dec 2004 21:40:00 GMT