I just like to have fun...I just came out here to Tampa to get my life together for now, then I plan on moving back to vegas, if everything works out. I live in the ugliest part of Tampa..definately not what i imagined it to be, but I'll make due..Pretty much my life consists of art and music, and channeling my sub-conscience into both. I write poetry of things relevant to my life...I have a very darkside which most people don't really see unless they look at my art or listen to my music and really take it in..or if they have known me for a really long-time, the flipside to that would be my good heart, and my respect towards everything beautiful in this world. I love meeting new people and having very in-depth conversations of things of interest and/or dis-interest...as of right now I don't have too many friends out here, probably becuz i haven't had the chance to meet them...I can get along with almost anyone as long as they are open-minded and appreciate the simple things in life, that most people take for granted...
My interests are pretty evident or atleast I put them out there for all to see. I'm deeply interested into human thought, psychology, human emotion, different perceptions, idealogies, personalities, serial killers, Art, differnet styles of music, different lyric styles, different song structures, I love making music and having that priceless feeling or subconscience connection with whom ever I am collaborating with..haha to me that's better than anything in this world. And of course I love meeting new people and having intelligent intellectual conversations about anything and everything that deserves a second look. I'm very easy to get along with, although I am a little shy at first, but once you hang out with me enough and get to know me more, you'll realize that meeting me was not a regret...I choose my own destiny..and my choices make me who i am and define my personality...though most of the time I seem to be on a different tangent than most the world. My life is full of curves..........silly human
I've pretty much have met every individual I would ever dream of meeting and have gotten drunk with them so, I guess I'd like to meet someone new, preferable someone with good taste in music, can appreciate art, and is really just cool to know
I like anything with creativity and originality...I listen to what most people would consider unorthodox, but to me I find it mind-blowing....most of the stuff I listen to you'd either really like or really hate it...whatever though it's my life
Reservoir Dogs/ Happy Gilmore lol!/ This is Circumstantial Evidence/ Scarface/ Evil Dead/ Pulp Fiction/ Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas/ Donnie Darko/ Casino/ The Boondock Saints/ Easy Rider/ Waking Life/ , Independent Films of any sort
Most anything on the History channel, Fresh Prince, Family Guy, Robot Chicken, anything else that pokes fun at american culture
The Bible?
Anyone that has their shit together in their life.