Missions, I love being a part of small churches! And meeting all different kinds of Pastors! Fashion, I love shoes! I am always looking for new pairs!
I'd love to meet President Bush, He is such a wonderful Godly leader! And I'm so glad that He is our President! I will meet Deborah from the Bible in Heaven. She had so much authority, but still walked in humility! And always gave the word of the Lord!
Hillsong, Jeremy Camp, Beach Boys, and No Doubt! No Doubt keeps me awake on road trips (when Jesika sleeps???)
Chariots of Fire, Planes trains and automobiles, Foul Play, Overboard! Oldies but goodies! Like me! :)
I'm a total addict to 24! I've been known to watch it for seven hours straight! I also love What Not to Wear! Because of my Fashion addiction!
the B I B L E!!
My parents!!! Kenneth Hagin Joyce Meyer Rush Limbaugh