I specialize in improvisational modal singing in the Romanian klezmer style (Oi, Romania, dulce Romania!). Very, very - scratch that,SERIOUSLY - fortunate to be in a kicking band (check out Yale Strom & Hot Pstromi) with some very tasty artists - Yale Strom, Peter Stan, Norbert Stachel, David Licht, Sprocket. Have guested with astounding artists in the jazz and Eastern European music worlds, collaborated with geniuses... Romanian auteur Radu Gabrea has filmed a documentary about me... hmmm, what else? CHECK OUT MY WEBSITE, WWW.VOICEOFKLEZMER.COM, for more about me... because even though we're talking about an art form that perhaps fewer than 1/2 of a percent of the world know and care about... I like to tell myself that it's all about me. Thanks for indulging that...
McCain Mansions http://therealmccain.com