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I am here for Friends

About Me

i am latonya jo galindo, enrolled wichita (kitikiti'sh), however i am of mixed decent. along with that great history i am also kiowa, blackfeet, absentee shawnee, sac and fox, oneida and delaware. and i dont forget i am also mexican and irish .... most call me tonya, i love to be called tonja; reminds me of my brother daryl and my aunt leandra. my best friend dutch calls me assassin. my dearest friend viv calls me ajnot. my family call me boo or chocolate drop. my nanny calls me jo ... i have one adorable son, arek dalton; he is my world, my meaning of life, my creation. my mom billie is my hero and my dad tony is my best bud. i have the greatest aunts and uncles. my grandma margret took care of me, may she rest in peace. i love my nanny and papa chan. my cousins are my brothers and sisters, our love for one another is beyond explanation. my friends mean the world to me, i'd do anything for any of them at any given time. i miss beth ann kellum, she was the sister i never had, not a day goes by that i dont think of her. im forever missing my sister bernadene gayle st.clair ... i am greatful for my extended family here in florida. i love to text; i dont like talkin on the phone, i'd rather email haha. i absolutely love macaroni and cheese; i'd eat that everyday if i could, cuz not any two bowls taste alike. i have grown to like spam and tomatoes over rice; which i find funny cuz im allergic to tomatoes. i crave fiji water; its the best on earth, ask anyone lol. i drink lots of sweet tea, i love lemonade; those two together makes an arnold palmer, yummy. i love coronas, and enjoy'n the new budlight lime. i enjoy the nights out, the bar hopping, the club scene. i love meeting new people. i like making others happy; i think its my calling in life. i smile alot, so much im asked to tone it down; okay then, they must be refering to my laugh. hollywood, florida has been my home for a number of years. i one day want to return to lawrence, kansas where i grew up. i wouldnt mind moving to albuquerque, new mexico. i enjoy traveling; i go any and everywhere for any or no reason at all. my dream vacation is australia. i'd love to go to tokyo. ive dreamed of traveling to amsterdam. im getting my passport soon : ) my sista from anutha mista vivian is takin me to taiwan next summer for the world games. hooray! i enjoy listening to music, i love to play poker, i try to shoot pool, i dont watch tv, i'll tivo or wait for the dvd series. there's a few movies i'll watch over and over and i totally enjoy reading about other peoples lives. for daytime t.v i like rachael ray, oprah and ellen, they are on the tivo daily. i dont take much interest in politics; altho i do vote democrat; Obama is for change and so am i. i am a sports fanatic! i watch alot of sports ... and as you can see, i ramble on and on about nothing in particular or in any order at all. i hope this gives a better understanding of who i am ... ..
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

no doubt i gotta meet more natives. our journey is too short, and oh so beautiful. i have come across many great people, adding to the names and faces would be a bonus. ---i dont get to see enough of my family, so of course i wanna meet them in my best moccasins on the native path.

My Blog

losing my sister

here i am, take me as i am ... i have lost my sister - the infamous- bernie mac 10. she was one of my closest friends, one of the ones i can honestly say was my sister. we started out frien...
Posted by on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 22:59:00 GMT