conor....hayley profile picture


Theres nothing beter than lacing up your skates and stepping on to that ice where nothing else matte

About Me

im lets see, what do you need to know about me?? well im now 17 :D and am goin to warlingham 6th form. fucking love it! i play alot of sport, too much lol, i played ice hockey for the streatham under 18s and i sit on the bench for the senior team (semi pro) when theres no one else to do it lol! but i now plying for guilford under 18s - good team! :D i like it der but miss old streatham abit - i play in goal, and most people look at me as if im mad when i say i play in goal, but i love it! and dont think i will ever give up! even if im in a fukin wheel chair lol! i also play roller hockey for sutton vipers under 18s and senior team, and for both of those's teams im a line one or two player - yer player, i play as a player in roller hockey, i have played for the south of england and gone to tournaments wilst playing for the south of england. ermmm i was captin for the under 18s at the start of the season but am not now due to unsutable behaviour looool! ermmm when i went to my old skool i played alot of basket ball but havent touched a bull since july last year! i also use to do boxing but had to stop as my "studys" were suffereing lol! about me! well i geuss im the sort of person u can talk to about anything and it will stay between us two, and on teh other side, u need some one to make u laugh that would be me also, if it is you takin the piss out of me or me being stupid, u r sertain to have a laugh around me :D. i also have a gawjussss girlfriend who i loveeeeeeee so much :$ lol, shouldent let her know that but i do lol! she has become a BIG part of my life and prob would b lost wid out her :Dso if you like what you read, give us an add and drop me a messgae!xxxxx

Myspace Layouts at / Black white gray

My Interests

sports releseeing me gf hayley

I'd like to meet:

i love this girl sooooooooo much! its been the best 7 months 2 days of my life so far! got alot more to come i should hope :D i dont know where i would be with out her! hayley sarah dawes soon to be hayley sarah sheehan ;0) "i love you so much"


i listen to alot of stuff... i like everything from rock to hip hop....


mark messier leader and champion, save the last dance, you got served, honey, slapshot 1 n 2,


the o.c, prison break, friend, one tree hill, that 70s show


erm a mohhamed ali book but i cannot remeber the full name atm lol


dno rele ermmmmmpatrick roy dominic hasek ray emery

My Blog

when we were young!

Do you remember when& The only thing a boy could give u was cooties? And the only thing they played was football? The most painful thing in the world was scraping your knee? And the only things that g...
Posted by conor....hayley on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 05:33:00 PST

im "smart N sexy"

Your intellect puts you in a class above the rest, and it creates a sexual aura that's untouchable by people who possess nothing more than a pretty face. You have people and intellectual skills and ar...
Posted by conor....hayley on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 11:20:00 PST

my trip to czech republic (hockeycamp)

have you ever waited for somthin for such along time that by the time it comes it almost a releaf well thats what this was like! we got to the air port cheked in went through the g8s and 40mins l8a we...
Posted by conor....hayley on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 02:52:00 PST

the men and women betwen the pipes

the men and women between the pipes, professional and amateurs, pickup and leaguers, anyone with the courage to stop the little black puck from getting behind them. The goaltender is the backbone of a...
Posted by conor....hayley on Sun, 09 Jul 2006 12:51:00 PST