J2theSki profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

First off, make sure you check in and find out the latest about the next great destination bar in Chicago...ya heard?!

http://chicago.metromix.com/bars-and-clubs/lounge/loft-six-t en-bucktown-wicker-park/147820/content

This says it all...

John - A committed pacifist, he has great confidence in himself despite life's many daily battles. He is someone that others can always count on. In him one senses a reserved but very intense personality, and a great energy that keeps him going. Always on the go, he is diligent in everything he does and never loses his optimism. His friends see him as someone with a healthy attitude to life. And in love, his passionate nature makes him a fascinating companion. He is a man who doesn't turn away from tenderness or sentimental moments.
I love life, and live it to the fullest every day. I believe that you can sleep when you're dead. That work is a good thing. That responsibility is a great thing. That you should never trust a bartender that doesn't have a shot of choice.
That respect is earned, never given. That family and friends matter the most in this world. That a good poem is ten times better than a great reality TV show. That love is hard to find, but the most worthy pursuit.
I've just accepted a new position as editor-in-chief and director of new media business development for a trade association here in the lovely CHI-DIGGITY! When I'm not doing that, I'm behind the bar managing or on the floor hosting at Bucktown's coolest new lounge, . You'll also find me on the floor at on Friday nights, a great place that you'll miss if you don't know where you're going (1566 N Milwaukee to be exact). I also manage to work for the NFL on the side, and still find some time to go out and have a shot or two, and keep in touch with my family and friends...

And in case you didn't know, some things are worth the wait...COMING SOON...
The big guy knows that POLISH HEAT is coming to Loft Six X...
Even Hall of Fame baseball broadcasters in DETROIT know the deal about Chicago's best new lounge...
I'll always miss working at Spoon on Saturday nights...we created a great thing there.
From back-in-the-day to today...William H. -----
I don't take myself or life too seriously, but I do work hard and play hard too. I'm really blessed to have a best friend who carries the same values and who I love like my brother...
Thankfully, I've run into some tremendous people who love it as much as I do, have made some great friends and been blessed to truly have some wonderful relationships as a result.
I was born in Detroit, still have a lot of family there and have a lot of love for my hometown. And yes, the Detroit Tigers are back as the best team in the American League!
But after moving around a bit and eventually graduating from college here in Chicago, I've found through my travels that I really do reside in the greatest city on Earth (Playa del Carmen and the Mayan Riviera IS nice though!), and the last 12 years here have been fantastic. I love my job, I love to write, run, play basketball, cook, work out, play basketball, coach, travel, play basketball, and occasionally get out and cause a little trouble. I think having a good balance between work and play is the key to enjoying both a little more. I have a great group of friends that I love like my family.
I am on here to network and meet some people that share my passion for life, literature, good vodka (in moderation), great wine and even greater conversations.Cheers!

Name: John
Birthdate: October 10, 1974
Birthplace: Hutzel Hospital, DETROIT, Michigan
Current Location: Chicago
Eye Color: blue-green
Hair Color: dark brown
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 170
Piercings: two (ears)
Tatoos: Four
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Not in a while
Overused Phraze: So
Food: Anything Italian
Candy: Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
Number: 13 (it's NOT unlucky)
Color: Blue
Sport: Basketball
Drink: Coke Zero
Alcohol Drink: Belvedere rocks w/ a splash of water and a lime
Bagel: Egg
Letter: E
Body Part on Opposite sex: ask me... ;-)
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Coke Zero
Drive Thru or Sit-Down: sit down
Strawberry or Watermelon: strawberry
Hot tea or Ice tea: ice tea
Chocolate or Vanilla chocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: hot chocolate
Kiss or Hug: kiss
Dog or Cat: dog
Rap or Punk: rap
Summer or Winter: summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: funny movies
Love or Money: love...EVERYTIME
Bedtime: when I am tired
Most Missed Memory: spending time with Travis; going to Heid's with Dad
Best phyiscal feature: smile
First Thought Waking Up:
Goal for this year: making myself a stronger person than before
Best Friends: Mark; Tice; Lou; Tanya; Stevens; Nicole; Lauren; LBiz; T-bone; PK
Weakness: cheese fries, wearing my heart on my sleeve
Fears: people that play games with your head
Heritage: Polish, with a little German and Hungarian mixed in
Longest relationship: 3 1/2 years
Ever Drank: Check the pics
Ever Smoked: Cigars...yezzir
Pot: Never. Seriously. Never.
Ever been Drunk: You're joking right? Have you SEEN my page?
Ever been beaten up: Yup
Ever beaten someone up: Unfortunately, a few times
Ever Shoplifted: Nope
Ever Skinny Dipped: Oh yeah
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: Again, you're joking right?
Been Dumped Lately: No.
Favorite Eye Color: Blue and green are faves, but it doesn't matter
Favorite Hair Color: Partial to blondes and brunettes...
Short or Long: Long
Height: Over 5'5". I'm 6'1". That can be a problem
Style: Sporty and sexy. And she has to be confident in herself.
Looks or Personality: Both are neccessary.
Hot or Cute A girl who can pull off both is A+
Drugs and Alcohol: I drink when I'm out. I hope she does too.
Muscular or Really Skinny: Let's go with athletic. NOT skinny.
Number of Regrets in the Past: Hurting others accidentally. Not going to see Trav that Thursday night at Skylight Lounge.
What country do you want to Visit: Next up on the list is Poland. China and Italy again too.
How do you want to Die: Peacefully.
Been to the Mall Lately: I live in the city. I don't shop in malls.
Do you like Thunderstorms: Love them. Best sound in the world to fall asleep to!
Get along with your Parents: Love them both to death!
Health Freak: I am lucky. I love to play a sport that keeps me in shape.
Do you think your Attractive: That's an odd question. Kind of narcissistic.
Believe in Yourself: Absolutely.
Want to go to College: Grad school someday.
Do you Smoke: Nope.
Do you Drink: When I am out and about.
Shower Daily: YES!
Been in Love: I can now say twice in my life.
Do you Sing: All the time.
Want to get Married: Once. To the perfect person.
Do you want Children: Yes. If the above occurs.
Have your future kids names planned out: NO!
Hate anyone: You should never hate anyone.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Professionals who are involved in the publishing/editorial fields, lovers of literature, athletic-oriented individuals (all the ballers put your hands up!) and just positive people that like to share their experiences, both good and bad, to make themselves stronger.

I also had to put this quote on here, because I think it is so true. "Women are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the tree. The men don't want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just get the rotten apples from the ground that aren't as good, but easy." -Anonymous . . . .

Name: John
Birthdate: October 10, 1974
Birthplace: Hutzel Hospital, DETROIT, Michigan
Current Location: Chicago
Eye Color: blue-green
Hair Color: dark brown
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 170
Piercings: two (ears)
Tatoos: Four
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Not in a while
Overused Phraze: So
Food: Anything Italian
Candy: Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
Number: 13 (it's NOT unlucky)
Color: Blue
Sport: Basketball
Drink: Coke Zero
Alcohol Drink: Belvedere rocks w/ a splash of water and a lime
Bagel: Egg
Letter: E
Body Part on Opposite sex: ask me... ;-)
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Coke Zero
Drive Thru or Sit-Down: sit down
Strawberry or Watermelon: strawberry
Hot tea or Ice tea: ice tea
Chocolate or Vanilla chocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: hot chocolate
Kiss or Hug: kiss
Dog or Cat: dog
Rap or Punk: rap
Summer or Winter: summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: funny movies
Love or Money: love...EVERYTIME
Bedtime: when I am tired
Most Missed Memory: spending time with Travis; going to Heid's with Dad
Best phyiscal feature: smile
First Thought Waking Up:
Goal for this year: making myself a stronger person than before
Best Friends: Mark; Tice; Lou; Tanya; Stevens; Nicole; Lauren; LBiz; T-bone; PK
Weakness: cheese fries, wearing my heart on my sleeve
Fears: people that play games with your head
Heritage: Polish, with a little German and Hungarian mixed in
Longest relationship: 3 1/2 years
Ever Drank: Check the pics
Ever Smoked: Cigars...yezzir
Pot: Never. Seriously. Never.
Ever been Drunk: You're joking right? Have you SEEN my page?
Ever been beaten up: Yup
Ever beaten someone up: Unfortunately, a few times
Ever Shoplifted: Nope
Ever Skinny Dipped: Oh yeah
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: Again, you're joking right?
Been Dumped Lately: No.
Favorite Eye Color: Blue and green are faves, but it doesn't matter
Favorite Hair Color: Partial to blondes and brunettes...
Short or Long: Long
Height: Over 5'5". I'm 6'1". That can be a problem
Style: Sporty and sexy. And she has to be confident in herself.
Looks or Personality: Both are neccessary.
Hot or Cute A girl who can pull off both is A+
Drugs and Alcohol: I drink when I'm out. I hope she does too.
Muscular or Really Skinny: Let's go with athletic. NOT skinny.
Number of Regrets in the Past: Hurting others accidentally. Not going to see Trav that Thursday night at Skylight Lounge.
What country do you want to Visit: Next up on the list is Poland. China and Italy again too.
How do you want to Die: Peacefully.
Been to the Mall Lately: I live in the city. I don't shop in malls.
Do you like Thunderstorms: Love them. Best sound in the world to fall asleep to!
Get along with your Parents: Love them both to death!
Health Freak: I am lucky. I love to play a sport that keeps me in shape.
Do you think your Attractive: That's an odd question. Kind of narcissistic.
Believe in Yourself: Absolutely.
Want to go to College: Grad school someday.
Do you Smoke: Nope.
Do you Drink: When I am out and about.
Shower Daily: YES!
Been in Love: I can now say twice in my life.
Do you Sing: All the time.
Want to get Married: Once. To the perfect person.
Do you want Children: Yes. If the above occurs.
Have your future kids names planned out: NO!
Hate anyone: You should never hate anyone.


My Blog

The meaning

is understanding who we are, where we’ve been, and where we want to go. You may not know that meaning at this moment, but it’s out there. It may come in the form of an job ad you’d n...
Posted by on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 09:26:00 GMT


I held your head, stroked your hairthree years and change, now your here Or am I thereAre we nowhereI lay listening to Kanye, at the ceiling I stare What does it mean, where did it come fromYou walk i...
Posted by on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 15:06:00 GMT

me, myself and tIger

I was out at the BMW Championships at Cog Hill on Sunday and came to a stunning realization. Tiger Woods is good. I mean, REALLY good. I often get upset because, well, let's face it. The guy gets way ...
Posted by on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 15:23:00 GMT

Mike Vick

I wanted to wait a little while before I blogged on this topic for a couple of reasons: A.) I wanted the media fervor to at least subside a little bit so that we could find out a little more about the...
Posted by on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 10:05:00 GMT

What Makes Men Fall In Love (I can't take all the credit for this blog!)

I have to preface this by saying that I got this from David Zinczenko, who is an editor with Men's Health (one of my favorite magazines), after seeing it up on Yahoo! I added a little at the end, but ...
Posted by on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 11:10:00 GMT

A guy's guide

I find it amusing that I have gotten emails from some of my friends over the last few weeks on things they should do for Valentine's Day...restaurants they should visit, cool things to do for their si...
Posted by on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 15:13:00 GMT

Blue skies

Over the past two weeks, I have been privy to attend the weddings of two of my closest friends, Andy and Kevin, to their new wives, Michelle and Carrie. It was first off just utterly amazing to be abl...
Posted by on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 09:56:00 GMT

Bar Etiquette

Yes, in light of the striped shirt phenomenon, the oftentimes buffoonish antics of 20-something suburban males (and even the occasional female), and the fact that frankly, a lot of those bargoers just...
Posted by on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 15:33:00 GMT

ABC's of E

My girl Nic had this posted as a bulletin and I thought it might make for good blog material. Hope you all weren't expecting some tremendous literary masterpiece...though don't worry, I'll be posting ...
Posted by on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 13:17:00 GMT

Everything I needed to know...

I learned in kindergarten. We've all heard that. Authors have made millions on books related to the subject. But I thought a lot about that yesterday. New Year's Day is always a good reflection day fo...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 11:46:00 GMT