relaxing, music, dancing, driving, breakfast, oceans, nighttime, love, vacations, pjs, psychology, things that spin, movies, making art, spiders, dolphins, singing, friends, sleeping, cuddling, pampering myself
anyone really cuz I love meeting new people. I'd prefer if someone had the same kind of interests as me, but whatever.
Which Seven Deadly Sin are you?
Sloth- You don't do anything too difficult in your life. You take the easy way out and sleep way too much.While sleeping, you will be burned alive in a house fire.
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Industrial, Goth, New Wave, Punk, and combinations of these
The Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Breakfast Club, A Clockwork Orange, Beetlejuice, Thank You For Smoking, Akira, Princess Monanoke, Ghost In The Shell 1 and 2, SLC Punk
Adult Swim, The Science Channel, The Travel Channel, and The History Channel.
Smack and Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy. I don't really read much other than text books.
Basil, The Bella, and Ryan ^.^