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dis da 1 i luv da most mom dukes. if it wasnt 4 her i wouldnt me here and i luv her 4 dat. she get me and thing i want when i ask, takes care of me when i sick and helps me when i confused but all u need 2 no is dat i luv her da most((TYE GUY DA SISTA)) i luv dis gurl (no homo) she been there since i was born and she dose every thing 4 me we be togetha 24/7 love u booskieThis is da 1 i miss da most my uncle was killed on july 4 2006 but i learned dat he might be gone from dis earth but neva from my heart i luv u so and i will neva 4 get da times we spent 2 getha i miss u so much but just no we gonna rock 4 u all day until we join uThese da 2 dumb a$$ niggas i laugh at da most. my fav cuzos marcus and domo. i love bout 2 die laughin at yall 24/7 love yall
..whos the best..
best to talk to: briannaL
best eyes: jarell
best laugh: kyle
best smile: me
best hair: dashawn
best style: nativa
best at being urself: dj
best picture taker: buffy
who is ***
loudest: eboni
queitest: kearah datcher
funniest: dominique
fastest: antoine
smartest: toina
dumbest: ray
sweetest: juuliana
craziest: amber
scariest: amber
sillyest: lucky
most random: trisha
most likely to...
be gay: tywon
be president: me
be famous: niq niq
become pope: rebecca
be miss america: christiana
succeed: marica
da best teacher and class in da world
these da 1s i b wit da most u got 2 learn 2 love these lozers
my otha lozers my sista dae dae, my buddies amber and neka
dis my last lozer i think dis da best one my wife (no homo) tiona