Myspace Is now basically a major dating site and I'm SINGLE!(Hey I might as well make use of it!!) ITS OPEN SEASON..LOL....RELAX.....C'mon...get to know me..I DONT HAVE TIME for the bullshit or the games tho.... so with that being said LET ME PUT THIS SHIT ON MAIN STREET..IT'S 2 LATE IN DA GAME 2 BE PICKING SOME1 UP OFF THEIR FEET WHILE MAINTAINING BEING ON MINE..I DONT DO BROKE MOTHERFUCKAS(MONEY CAN'T BUY HAPPINESS BUT IT SURE IS A NICE DOWNPAYMENT!)I HOLD DOWN MY END & I DEFINATELY KNOW HOW TO PAMPER a man..matter of fact I rather enjoy it! I DONT BELIEVE IN 50/50 CUZ FEELINGS ARE NEVER THAT WAY so neither should finances.I'M NOT AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER SO THE CHOICES I MAKE ARE MINE SO IF U DON'T LIKE IT SO WHAT?KICK ROCKS BITCHES!!!