My name is *sings* Lindsay, -Alison- Rae. Rae.
:)I AM
-A pacifist with a gun.
-Passionate. If I am really in to something, I'll always let it show without holding back.
-Sincere. If I tell you I care about you, I really, -really- do mean it. -Emotional. If I cry less than three times a week, -BE SURPRISED-.
-Expressive. I'm usually very graphic and put TONS of detail in to the things I say. :) Oh, and punctuation is a -MUST-. :) See?
-Open. I am 99.9% an OPEN book. I believe that some things must be kept to myself, but otherwise, :) I'm very open and non-judgmental.
-An over-thinker. If someone tells me something, I'll think of every possible reason for why they told me it. I'll drive myself nuts, not get any shleepies that night & the cycle will continue until I find peace in my thoughts.
-Blue/Grey eyes. They're said to be 'intense'...pff...I'll intense YOU! :P...I'd prefer brown eyes...they're so earthy & beautiful. ♥
-Freckles :D:)!..which means....*drum roll* I get to play CONNECT THE FRECKLES when I'm borededed! (it's been done)
-Five feet and seven and a half inches to my name :)! Aka...that's my height. 5'7 & 1/2.
-A juicy body. My arms & bum are FON to play with :)!..
-A big, big, BIG smile. :D:)
-Nubby, shtoops fingers. They're funny to look at & poke. :)
-Archy eyebrows. Yep. They're archy all right.
-Pin-straight hair that is naturally strawberry blonde. I kind of wish it wasn't as straight as it is....pah. :P:) Oh well.
-A hard time curling my hair. It takes a good three bottles of hairspray, gel and mousse. NOW tell me you want my hair. :P
-Tendinitis in both of my shoulders. This is something I struggle with every second of my life..mentally & physically.
-111 pounds on me! I'm underweight for my height, fast metabolism doesn't help that.
(people) I LOVE
-Tom ♥♥, my BOIO. :):D:):)..:):D!!
...He's the most -beautiful- person; the greatest creation. He's everything -I- want & need. :)
-SHERI Lynn Paice. AKA BLUE. :) She is my -best- friend in the whole entire world & we never EVER have a dull moment. Even just lying down & talking with her is more FON than you'll ever know. YOU MA GIRL, BLUE. YOU MA GIRL. :) pee ess: FILLED.
-Alisha Kaur Tathgur!!!!! I -don't- even know where or who I'd be without her. Literally, she is such an incredible friend & no matter what, we've always been there for eachother. We went to a place that changed our LIVES...we went to Alberta together & growing together for that one week was an amazing experience.
-ALL of the other genuine people in my life. ♥ I'm here for anything & everything..let me be your doctor Linny. :):)
Sam Roberts!!
...He is my inspiration. Not only does his music and passionate personality help me get through my days, just knowing a musician like him who is SO down to earth just helps me live & makes me want to be the best person I can be.
-Morrissey. Come on...who -doesn't- love Morrissey? My Boio & I have a triangle of love going on with him. It's basically an everyday thing.
-Scott Weiland. WHY? Not because he's a heroine addict...because he wiggles just like me & I feel this strange connection with him. :)
-My daddy. He's a real man.
-My kitty aka Casserole aka MENUE! :)..she's become such a loving little thing. :):)
-My old advisers. I don't think they know how much I appreciate the way they got me through the hardest times of my life.
-Tom Cavanagh for being the greatest at acting! Booya :).
-So many more people. SO many more.
-I friggin REALLY enjoy watching & playing baseball.
-...I play softball. :P:)
-"GO HABS GO!" :).
-I'm so upset that Ribeiro got traded, because he was the underdog and has a special place in my heart. :(
-I LOVE my jolly-ball aka volley-ball class at school!
-I love jolly-ball in general. ♥
-I did cheerleading for nine..9!!! years of my life. ♥
-I also did gymnastics for many years, but had to stop due to my injury.
-Football's good. :)
-I -love- curling. I love it. I do.
-Basically everything but basketball & a few others are fffffffon for me. :):) I know my best friend plays basketball, and I DO love to watch her, :), but I just don't like watching or playing the sport otherwise.
-Oh, and I -hate- soccer. *sticks tongue out*
-Juice: Cranberry :)!
-Soda: Key-lime!!!
-Coffee: French vanilla. ♥
-Alc: When I do have it..:O...Grey goose....orrr JD because it's silly. :):)
-Place: ANYWHERE warm that is a happy place. :) In my Boio's arms. ♥ That's niiicest. :)
-Song: Everlong by the FOO fighters ♥...
-Band: The Sam Roberts Band! ♥♥♥♥..I've been to four of their shows. ♥!!
-Shape: Circles because they go on forever :).
-State: TEXAS. :) Mmmiiaammm. ♥*licks*
-Sport: Baseball. ♥
-Store: ESPRIT :)...Simons, Urban Outfitters, dynamite, Roots..paaah.
-Scent: My favorite perfume is a seccccret ;) only a few people know what it iiiis..but since I'm getting a new perfume.....I'll tell you my OLD one :)..STELLA! It's called Stellllaaaa. ♥
-Letter: O because it is a circle & I love circles. :)
-Time: 3:33 AM..when stuff gets wild :)! I don't know why I say that..because usually, I'm shleepies. But when I'm's FON. :)!
-Nickname of mine: ...Boio calls me TOOTSIE ♥♥:):).
-Car: I -hate- cars. I HATE cars. I sort of like big black jeepies. :P..sort of. I hate vehicles in general.
-Feature: On other people...I look for nice facial expressions :)...
-Spot to be kissed: My lips :), my neck, my nose. :)
-Holiday: Easter :) for FON.
-Names: For a girlie, I -love- the name Dexi because I made ittt. :)♥ well I'm sure someone else has maybe thought of it, but I never knew. ♥Dexi♥..anddd I love JOEY for a girlie, orrr...yiah. :) Idunno. For a boy-boy I like the name..hmm...Spencer or Stuart :)!
-Season: SUMMER...I love warmth. ♥
-Fruit: Clementines ♥:)..cherries, blueberries, green grapes..
-TV shows: Ed + Love Monkey but they're both off the air :(...♥...Fresh Prince :):)...♥!!
-Food: STEAK. Lindsays love STEAK. Except for veggie Lindsays...
-Cereal: Cinnamon toast crunch :)♥
-Chocolate bar: Chocolate is yuuucky but I do like Coffee Crisp a little & Snickers. :)
-Color: RED :)!!!
-Dessert: Ice-keem :)!