someone who can speed up time while i am at work... like this...yeah like this.
.the view from my desk
my people of the month for august 2008
welcome home c-wheat
my people of the month for july 2008..................
my person of the month march 2008:
the electric slugnipples...AcidRain
i dont really like movies. 'the big lebowski', 'slingblade' and 'a clockwork orange' are not movies.
things that are better than....
television ...............................
1. jazz fest..............................
2. audobon zoo........................
3. bumbling around in the ....
quarter till sunrise....................
4. M.O.M.'s Ball (Psychedelic ....
Perverts Mardi Gras ....
5. bonnaroo .............................
6. ....Arkansas.... RiverFest ...............
7. AustinCityLimts Fest..............
8. Baton Rouge St. Patricks ....
Day Parade..............................
9. Martin Luther King Jr. Fried ....
Chicken Cookoff .......................
10. Carlotta St. Halloween ....
Block Party..............................
11. Sitting on my steps.............
12. Frying Pickles.....................
13. Tatum................................
14. Dancing on my coffee ....
table .......................................
15. Making Music......................
16. Eating at Ruth's Chris in ....
NewOrleans .............................
17. LL COOL J..........................
18. CarlottaPleasureClub ..........
19. Homemade Lasagne ...........
20. VooDoo Fest.......................
21. Key Lime Pie......................
22. Ms. Mae's...........................
23. Sleeping in a tent................
24. Tiger Stadium on a Fall ....
Saturday Night.........................
25. SweetLou's SuperFly ....
FriedPies , BlueberryFlavor ........
26. Maps..................................
27. Math, because sometimes....
28. Wearing Crazy Hats............
29. Sitting by the ....Mississippi.... ....
30. The Electric Slugnipples .......
31. TUNA.................................
32. My Canal St. Rooftop....
Hideaway ........................... ....
33. Driving.............................
34. Crawfish Po-Boys..............
35. Hott Tubbin
....chess books and cook books
1. my 'granpaw-Buzz'........... 2. any human less than 8 years old and any human older than 80 years old.