Hullo there, reader of Mr. Daniel Thomas Elphick's "about me", wherever and whoever you are. As 'About Me' implies, this is the section of this internet webpage where I'm supposed to summarise myself in a paragraph or two. Seems quite a small space to express myself properly. Here goes:
My name's Dan, and I enjoy good company whilst doing the things I like. The things I like include music, reading, hugs, tea, pub, concerts, a good laugh, writing, drama and anything else that might come to mind.
Wombourn with an 'e' happens to be my abode, and if you haven't heard of it, you haven't lived! (Or you're just yet to sample the delights that await...)
My ridiculously long summer is now drawing to a close - and soon I've got to say bye to everyone before I go to Uni (Keele, studying Music)
Try and remember the following: I enjoy music, especially playing piano, singing, playing piano while singing, singing while playing piano, and very much especially having a good jam with friendly people. I play piano, Diddley Bow, Harmonica, Jew's Harp and I sing.
I have a wonderful girlfriend, called Amy , who very adequately fills the position of 'person who often reminds me that I look like James May.' (Does subtle 'Boob' smile)
Important phrases of my life
•"Jackie Chan style..."
•"It's not a crime to have a good time."
•"It's all fun and games, until someone loses a bollock."
Thus, I declare this 'About Me' over. Looking over it, I don't think it's about me at all. If you care to differ, then get talking to me. Now.
Love from Dan
Thank-you. [bows and exits.]