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Moon Mermaid Swimming
..Making stuff,gardening, art crafts, projects, traveling to new places, sewing ,whatever.I LOVE LOVE LOVE history, and trying new exotic foods!But most of all I love my family more than anything.
Other mermaids!Face painters, fairies, dancers, pirates, She-ra,Rainbow Brite,and Mermaid Madison! lol!
Little bit of everything.
Splash!!! I don't know.Universal monsters movies, and Tim Burton stuff.
Heroes, Ghost Hunters, and Xena :)
How to behave so your children will too. ;)Anything on astrology, gardening, mermaids, facepainting,or of course...... history.
What Mystical creature are you?(with awsome pics and detailed results!!)
You are a mermaid, the owner of the seas,playfull and free you have fun with your life. You sometimes take a risk and may hurt people but you allways making it up with the kindness of your heart. You also like to be alone sometimes, and may be called "weird" for some things that you do, like being alone!!! But you have friends who will stick with you till the end and you will stick with them till the end too!!! You are also very motherly and like to mother your friends!
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My family.
?? Which Creature Of The Sea Are You??
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