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"This album easily qualifies as one of the top albums of the year due to this concerted, quality effort loaded originality."
-Music Under Fire
"I was rather impressed with how balanced the Eureka Birds' sound is—in each song, I could feel the music as much as I could the lyrics, which is quite a feat considering that this is a debut album."
-TRACER Magazine
"Beautifully orchestrated soft indie pop deriving from (in my opinion) Ben Gibbard, The Decemberists, and Stars. When I listen to Eureka Birds, I not only feel the emotion from Justin's lyrics, but the performance and craft of each song tells a sophisticated story that supports the words. Eureka Birds is definitely a local band to keep your eyes (and ears) out for."
"The band’s self-titled debut is both a grower and a shower...Every time I hear this record I like it more. This is a fascinating debut, worth more study, worth your attention, and worth your money."
-Berkeley Place
"A finely crafted, excellently produced piece of musical loveliness that evokes sadness, joy, melancholy, hope and just makes you feel like everything’s going to be alright in the end…"
-Insomnia Radio: Daily Dose