Paintball owns like pretty much everything, but ya soccer n wrestling are aight. I can watch pretty much any movie and memorize it within watching it like 2 times or so, (Have it be known that I have vowed to never watch Brokeback Mountain) My dream car is the Lotus Elise (fuckin bomb ass) But ya pretty much if you want to know more just ask.
Well out of everyone in the world, dead or alive it would probably have to be my real father. He died in a motorcycle crash when I was like 1 so I never really got the chance to get to know him. A couple pictures that I have are really my only way of knowin he actually existed..But other than that it would have to be Muhammad Ali and Mike Tyson. Then I can make the decision who would really win in a match between them. (Leaning towards Ali) Tupac, Steve Prefontaine, Stan Tookie Williams
I listen to everthing, I like to have a variety.Music Video: 1979 (by Smashing Pumpkins)
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Favorite has gotta be Saving Private Ryan, but put in anything and I'll pretty much watch it.
Dont watch much TV but if I do its whatever is on comedy central or if there is a good movie on..
If theres a book, that means theres a better (and shorter) movie.. :D
Idk, dont really got one..