travelling, music & movies. Just the common interests. But that doesn't make me dull.
Nice people and my new pet.
I've got the music in me. Music is my oxygen.
Pan's Labyrinth, Stardust, Harry Potters, Brice de Nice, Golden Compass, LotR, Borat, Ed Wood, Clockwork Orange, Jeux d'enfants, Festen, Abre los ojos, Garden State, Everything is illuminated, Napoleon Dynamite, Sophie Scholl, Corpse Bride, Nightmare before Christmas, Being John Malkovich, Walk the Line, Capote, Pulp Fiction, Shreks, Ice Age, Contact, Das Parfum, Citizen Kane, Magnolia, The Big Lebowski, Ice Age, The Secret, What the bleep do we know?, Fight Club, Memoirs of a Geisha, The Last King of Scotland, Meet the Fockers, Seven, Requiem for a dream, Amelie, Etre et Avoir, Elephant, Stranger than fiction, Bowling for Columbine, Fahrenheit 9/11, Supersize me, Boondock Saints, La vita e bella, Ik omhels je met 1000 armen, Monsters Inc., Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Sleepy Hallow, Trainspotting, Charlie and the Chocolatefactory, Chicago, Resevoir Dog, Chronicles of Narnia, Interview with a Vampire, The Wizz, Apocalyps now, Dude where's my car?, Scary movies, Adaption, Dumb and Dumber, Sound of Music, Grease, Moulin Rouge, Westside Story and so on. But don't watch Brigde to Therabithia or Farce of the pinguins beacause these are a bloody shame for mankind. I'm telling you.
News, Music, Interviews, Movies, Documentaries. But hell, it's all crap in the end.
The books by: Raymond E. Feist, J.K. Rowling, Dan Brown, Ronald Giphart, Truman Capote, Joost Zwagerman, Anthony Janson, Anne Rice, Roald Dahl, Franz Kafka, Salvador Dali, Kluun, Phillip Pullman, Gerard Reve, Jan Wolkers, Jeffrey Sachs, Edgar Allen Poe etc.
Everyone who really cares for our earth and tries to make this fucked up planet a better place. Because I believe that our children deserve a good environment and they deserve to enjoy what this planet has to offer us.