Member Since: 03/04/2006
Band Members: App-Lead Vocals, Song Writer and makes loud noises, the self proclaimed leader of the the band who will look back on his fame and alcohol problem and search for all of his bastard children during their E! True Hollywood story that should take place in 2025, only does the interviews from rehab if the producers promise to buy him a 24oz keystone and take him to one last trip to EC. Gets in a terrible car-crash leaving the bar driving drunk but still plays a mean one arm air guitar during SBC's reunion in 2030.
JOKU-Vocals the high notes that make your nose bleed, song writer, the bad one that all the good girls secretly think about at night, finds Jesus and repents for all his wrong doings during his time with SBC moves to a ranch and opens a church with his six children during the time of the E! True Hollywood story.
C-BONE-Really not sure what he does. Song Writer, back up vocals and the great looking one. E! finds that despite being the ladies favorite settles down with one woman and has a son name Ty, who hates his father as much as the other two members of the band. Finds out that his son really belongs to Joku because; indeed his wife was a good-girl who loved the tuff boy.
Influences: Too much alcohol?
Sounds Like: A cat dying while scratching a black board and banging trashcan lids together. That or what i like to call the best sound in the world that makes women prego off just sound.
Record Label: We don't like labels even when it's record labels