Uni, London, big cities, THE THEATRE, acting, directing, writing, performing, A GOOD OLD DRINK with fond friends, EATING OUT, doing homework on the tube, BISCUITS, WALKING.............. it dominates half my life... one day i will DRIVE! eating NANDO'S withy becky...she is queen nando. The love of simple things is under nourished for example; BEANS ON TOAST to top a night out, ROSE WINE,wind in the right direction. gin with SOPHIE, wine with CHARLOTTE,drinking any coction made 2 man with the one and only BIANCA HARLEY! seeing new sights, DANCING...................... requiring a new talent (cough loudly) for ballet..... making some shapes and cutting some moves, listening to a bit of music rather LOUDLY!
phillip and fern, the queen, the prime minister, kate moss....... and the bastard that stole my bike.............
Art Brut, The Long Blondes, yeah yeah yeah's, CSS, Klaxons, Jamie T, Lethal Bizzle, We are scientists, regina spector,Depeche Mode, Lilly Allen, The sunshine underground, The Streets, The Smiths, The Strokes, Amy Winehouse, Artic Monkeys, Babyshambles, Hot Chip, Imogen Heap, Ksabian, Killers, Madaonna, Massive Attack, Morrissey, The Prodigy, Razorlight, Leftfield, Pendulam, Erol Alkan, the kooks........................
bridget jones, girl interupted, educating rita, trainspotting, layer cake, football factory, american pie, notting hill, CLOSER, a beautiful mind etc etc...........
SEX AND THE CITY, Hollyoaks, Friends, Teachers, TWO PINTS OF LAGER AND A PACKET OF CRISPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rob Walton....for being an absoultly amazing guy....we all love and miss him x x x x x x..