my name is Kira but thats not going to be the title of my autobiography... its going to be called Harry Potter and the Da Vinci book of Sudoku.
I'm 17 years old so my autobiography would currently be pretty short. I have the bestest friends I could EVER ask for- they are always there for me.
i am a latvian through and through and cant alway rememeber the correct sequence to Australia's National anthem (bad i know). some people like to call me crazy- but that is not the real diagnosis- i shift the blame onto the fact that i am latvian and it comes with the latvian genes although put Rhi and I together and we are off the scale of normal- its a new things scientists have labelled Kirarhi-
I love to laugh and joke although most people dont get them... I seem to quote movies and commedians way to much- and if you know me- i sing even more than i quote. They are usually silly songs, or ones most have never heard of.
i live for music, i play guitar and house is overloaded with instruments too much to list but if youd really like to know i'd be glad to tell you- another thing about music its a non-stop thing in my ears... either at home, at school or wherever im listeing to it....
Ballroom dancing is another big part of my life- there i have met awesome people and learnt so much. Latvian dancing is a whole different ball game- but fun all the same.
I love sugar but it comes with a warning.. MAY CAUSE HEADACHES (not my own) yes so do be aware.
i dont have x-ray vision, or bionic limbs but.......
for those who dont know... I have VERY MILD SUPERPOWERS- such as when i'm walking with headphones on, i can predict where ill be at the end of the song.
and also quite frequently in kitchens- where i've never been i can sense the location o the cups and crockery.
i am an excellent judge to see if thing fit through doorways.
some words get me every time like zorb, haemoglobin, bebrs, and much much more.
Beach and snow are my retreats and to be able to have both simultaneously I would have to move overseas but i enjoy living here- with all the danger that surrounds me, like snakes,poisonous spiders and when i go to the beach i insist on swimming with the possibility of sharks wanting to gnaw on my leg.
I like to go out of my way to jump on leaves that look like they have that little extra crunch factor. Bright colours are- as you can say BRIGHT and thats why they appeal to me. one day id like to be in a stage musical... :D yeah i love them- Blackboards- love them too along with sparkly things fairylights are beaconed into that category.
i have so much more to add but your getting bored i see. so if you read this far i congratulate you. if you didnt and skipped to the end I CONDEMN YOU unless you go back up to the top and read it thouroughly! then i will contemplate whether to congratulate you or not. T
HERE WILL BE A SHORT QUIZ ON THIS LATER NEXT WEEK... so study well my friends. :P