"Like a bird on a wire, like a drunk in a midnight choir, I have tried in my way, to be free."
-Leonard Cohen
I am a stand-up comedian in Los Angeles. That's right I'm one of the 17 million trying to do stand up. I am NOT, however an actor. I find most actors, especially those who think they can do stand-up, pretty irritating. I hope to one day make it to the point that I can quit my shitty job and get up at eleven every day.
I used to make films. Short films, mostly. But nobody seemed to give a fuck about my hard work. So I am currently on hiatus from film making. I realized that there is no real independent film movement, everyone who starts out as an indy film maker usually ends up making the next shitty movie based on some stupid comic book. I was the cinematographer on a documentary: "Rage: 20 Years of Punk Rock West Coast Style." I also was a camera man on a tour documetary about the band "Bright Eyes." I have yet to hear what has happened with that. Somebody probably made a lot of dough on it and shared none of it with the film makers, least of which: me. Hence why I am now pursuing stand-up comedy. I learned that most of my scripts were mostly rants on things I hate. So I decided to try to put a humorous spin on everything I hate (and believe me, that's A LOT)! I've had some success, not huge, but I'm working on it. I average about 2-3 independently produced shows a month, and of course many open mics.
Two things you need to understand about me:
I do not believe in god. I am an atheist. Christians, do not try to make me your project. I will not convert. I believe in the big bang and evolution. I will not be swayed. If you send me anything religious, I will send you the truth.
Politically, I am a left wing psycho. DON'T try to argue with me about your bullshit right-wing ideas! Because you're wrong. Fuck Bush, fuck his bullshit, unwinnable war of attrition against a CONCEPT, and fuck anyone that supports it.
"Like a baby, stillborn, like a beast with his horns, I have torn everyone who reached out to me."
-Leonard Cohen.