fist-full of patience profile picture

fist-full of patience

I am here for Friends

About Me

.. mista b --

An immortal

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at

My Interests good food..partying with the fun peeps, ,rock climbing, running from the feds, world domination(well at least ONE city block),"scullduggery", recovering from being homeless, spending all the millions that i won from the lottery, being sued for fixing the lottery, throwing groupies out of shows because they wouldn't blow the band(my favorite), ..playing in a band, screwing the band and going solo to make more millions leaving them to flip burgers, lying -cheating- stealing, raising a good conservative family, starting a church, burning down the church, running for president,running with scissors,running away from the triflin people,taking a joke and runnig with it (never done that before) be the nerdiest dork i can be, be the person that gets kazoo playing and step dancing added to the triathalon in the world olympics, o yes one more thing-- (i want to be normal).... I took this one.. Waanaa pimp my ride wit me!!.. Catskills in October.. This is outside of San Fran.. Scene on whacker st. Chicago.. Flowers on wacker st. Chicago.. scene from New Mexico.. On the way to Salt Lake city with a disposable.. Scagg Rock in Northern Cali" ".. scene from sunset blvd. .. scene from sunset blvd.

I'd like to meet:



all kinds and well rounded ranging from al green to james brown,sting to depeche mode,SKINNY PUPPY,my life with the thrill kill kult to assemblage 23, clutch to alice in chains,lil john to eminem, house to more house,misfits to jodie fosters army, some folk and lots of David bowie and most of the 80'sand i hate all country ,most rap and most the bands on the radio these days" "


never ever EVER do I watch tv" "


you might see me a the library if u look hard enough then again i might put my foot in your ass if u are looking for me in a library!!! i like my peace and quiet. get it!!!" "


RODNEY DANGERFIELD, the guy who stands on a corner bumming change and he can still buy crack. some people who don't catagorize themselves. Those crazy suicide girls. Any one who can stand up for themselves and not take any bullshit....Anyone who has very little tollerance for the dumb hooker groupies i see all the time or just stupid ignoramus back woods cousin humpin no teeth freak fucks in general!! (squids) pink elephants" "

My Blog

Faith......please read

Faith,       The first thing you probably think about when you hear this word is faith in God or, to put it it more precisely, is faith in a higher power or something gre...
Posted by fist-full of patience on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 09:35:00 PST

A Dabble Into Mischief

       Mischief, we all have all dabbled in it, here and there. Its funny how you can have a huge event combined with a few select people, the right kind of tools or obje...
Posted by fist-full of patience on Fri, 11 Nov 2005 04:35:00 PST

My birthday

AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!! I don't want to be 27 at all but whether I like it or not it will be here on the 23 of hiss..............somebody shoot me or cl...
Posted by fist-full of patience on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

gwar tour 1

Well hello everybody, Its me and i am in San Francisco, sorry i haven't updated my shit and adventures but it has been hard to get access to a puter long enough to do my shit. So far the tour has bee...
Posted by fist-full of patience on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

i can't wait

for summertime and the livings easy-ha I don't know about everyone else but it needs to get WARM again. I am sick and tired of cold cold COLD!! and I am sure my roomys are getting sick of looking at...
Posted by fist-full of patience on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST