Rex profile picture


um.....*looks confused* ????

About Me

Lets see about me well here goes. I am a male *checks* yeap a male 30 years old with a wonderful wife (hope she sees that) and a new baby boy. His name is Thomas Rex or T-Rex lil dino in training. I am a butcher, a baker, and if someone could teach me how to make candlesticks then I could truely be a Jack of all Trades. I enojy all sorts of things but I guess thats later on in the interests section. I am king of typos and well, can't spell to save my life. If you are an editor I would be your worst nightmare or biggest profit margin depending on if you charged or not. I'm a bit nuts, crazy, essentric, or just plain looney but you gotta be what you gotta be. Thankfuly, my wife is just as big as a nut as I am. Thats how I think she puts up with me. Ok, moving right along into the other catagory I'd like to meet........
You Are 28% Abnormal
You are at low risk for being a psychopath. It is unlikely that you have no soul.
You are at medium risk for having a borderline personality. It is somewhat likely that you are a chaotic mess.
You are at low risk for having a narcissistic personality. It is unlikely that you are in love with your own reflection.
You are at medium risk for having a social phobia. It is somewhat likely that you feel most comfortable in your mom's basement.
You are at low risk for obsessive compulsive disorder. It is unlikely that you are addicted to hand sanitizer. How Abnormal Are You? The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Eigth Level of Hell - the Malebolge!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:

Level Score
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) Very Low
Level 2 (Lustful) Very High
Level 3 (Gluttonous) Low
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) Very Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) Very High
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) High
Level 7 (Violent) High
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) Very High
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) Very High
Take the Dante's Inferno Test
You Are Animal
A complete lunatic, you're operating on 100% animal instincts.
You thrive on uncontrolled energy, and you're downright scary.
But you sure can beat a good drum.
"Kill! Kill!" The Muppet Personality Test

My Interests

video games, writting poetry, baking, decorating, taking care of my family, disk golf, some sports, grilling, drinking beer, playing pool, board games (as long as I win sometimes), hanging out with friends, I'm sure there is more I'm just brain dead right now.
You Are 72% Open Minded
You are a very open minded person, but you're also well grounded.
Tolerant and flexible, you appreciate most lifestyles and viewpoints.
But you also know where you stand firm, and you can draw that line.
You're open to considering every possibility - but in the end, you stand true to yourself. How Open Minded Are You?

I'd like to meet:

Like my sister Megan, I'd like to really know my ancestors. I know I'm a mutt or like a Baskin Robins 31 flavors. I just would like to know what all flavors I am made up of. Other than that....can't really think of anyone...unless you are filthy rich and just need to unload money. then I'd LOVE to meet ya
Who Should Paint You: Salvador Dali
You're a complex, intense creature who displays many layers.
There's no way a traditional portrait could ever capture you! What Artist Should Paint Your Portrait?
Street Smart

You're street smart. This type of intelligence is very closely tied to being 'socially smart' - your intelligence comes from a high amount of applied education - you've learned, and continue to learn, from your environment. You know the ins and outs of real-life situations, and could probably talk your way out of a fight better than any of those theoreticians could.

40% applied intelligence
60% learned intelligence height="268"
Take this quiz at


um....anyhting....really anything
Myspace Layouts
Myspace Codes
Myspace Generators
Myspace Backgrounds


i like all kinds of movies to list them all whould be insane. Whats even more insane is if I really could remember them all. As far as genre of movies anything with a good plot or lots of explosions gore is cool too but I'm not picky
You fit in with:

Your ideals are mostly spiritual, but in an individualistic way. While spirituality is very important in your life, organized religion itself may not be for you. It is best for you to seek these things on your own terms.

40% spiritual.
60% reason-oriented. height="268"
Take this quiz at
Your IQ Is 105
Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average

Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius

Your Mathematical Intelligence is Average

Your General Knowledge is Above Average A Quick and Dirty IQ Test


ah the infamous boob-tube. some of my fav's. MythBusters, Grey Anatomy, Adult Swim (cartoon network), History channel, discovery channel, food channel, game channel, if they just had a money channel ahhhhhh oh well


books??? the things you have to read. I guess because of my dyslexia I'm not to keen on reading. It takes me awhile to process the words and senearios in my tiny lil mind. It's not that I'm dumb...i'm just slow. I'd rather write books. I know for the ones who think "oh man you are really missing out on some great books." all I gotta say is read some of my poetry and once you get past the typos or just plain misspelled words you will see that I'm not missing out that much. Plus write your own anything and it means more than anything else. Hum...only exception I can think of are some really GREAT quotes by some really GREAT people...but thats the only exception. Oh, I read all the Harry Potter books...yeah I'm a nerd.
Your Life Path Number is 4
Your purpose in life is to build your vision.
You are practical and responsible. You work hard, knowing that there are no shortcuts in life.
You work for a better life for yourself and those you love, but you are not an idealist.
Trustworthy and honest, you also demonstrate great courage. People can count on you.
In love, you are a loyal and committed partner. You are the ideal spouse.
You don't give up easily, and sometimes you can be too stubborn and unwilling to change.
You also can be too conservative at times. You sometime miss out on good opportunities.
Also remember that not everyone can work as hard as you, as disappointing as that is! What Is Your Life Path Number?
Your Monster Profile
Cruel Dictator
You Feast On: Fried Chicken
You Lurk Around In: Candy Factories
You Especially Like to Torment: Vegans What's Your Monster Name?
I thank Steve for this game.


ok now for a darker side of me. This is a tuffy. I've never had a hero. It's not that I dont believe in heros...its just that I dont have any. Maybe my lil T-Rex can be my first hero.
You Are 70% Weird
You're so weird, you think you're *totally* normal. Right?
But you wig out even the biggest of circus freaks! How Weird Are You?

My Blog

So I've Been Tagged

Tag! You're it! Tag! The first player of this game starts with "6 weird things/habits about yourself" and people who get...
Posted by Rex on Wed, 19 Apr 2006 11:31:00 PST

Where Poetry Grows

What is poetry, from where does it flow is it from within, is that how it grows or is there more, that we do not know is there more, from where poetry grows there is no structure, nor is there form ...
Posted by Rex on Tue, 11 Apr 2006 11:13:00 PST

What I am going to use my blog for.

Hello all and to all hello.  Now most people use there blog as a daily journal, keeping track of things going on or just general posts.  I am going to try to use my blog for whoever wants to...
Posted by Rex on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 10:29:00 PST