Stephanie. profile picture


Native G

About Me

Stephanie. College Freshman. Contagious Smile. Loves to laugh. Lives to Dance. Totally rad.

Peace out bitches.

"The words 'I AM' are potent words; be careful what you attach them to. The thing you are claiming to be has a way of reaching back and claiming you." -A.L. Kitselman

"The most wasted day of all is that of which we have not laughed"

"I am not in this world to live up to other people's expectations, nor do I feel that the world must live up to mine." -Fritz Pearls

My Interests

"My other ride is your mom"- bumper sticker in Santa Cruz.... "Stop with the fuck"-Sam.... "Why you not put out??"-Justin (with asian accent).... "aww she has crab hands :("-Jill..... "What do you mean you don't watch your carb intake??"-Crazy Aunt Mary.... "Have you guys reached the stage where you have sex with your clothes on yet?"-Valerie.... "That's so gay it's gayer than I am"-Brian.... "Yo mamma is yo daddy too"-Burns.... "Your mom's had 3 historectemies???"-Me.... "I wanted to get you a pillow and a blanket, but Marcus didn't want to go so we got you a burrito instead"-Ben.... "My mom called me a creep ass"-Zane..... "Meow"-Bobby..... Steph:"I need a tampon" Josh:"Can't you use gauze or something?" Steph: "oh yeah cuz my vagina is bleeding profusely"..... "What KINDA limp???"-Ellen..... "OMG it's getting hard I'm so excited!"-Wes...... "I'm not sexually active. okay I'm not gonna lie, I am; I'm not a whore"-Valerie...... "I wanna do 'U' in character shoes"-Sensei...... "Is she really 14?"-Zane...... "We were making out once.. and he was on top of me.. does that count??"-Sheila..... "We're gonna drop BOMBS on you mother fucker"-Ellen...... "Wouldn't it be funny if we flipped his desk upside down and he started going up and down on the leg screaming 'IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT JEREMY??!? IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT?!?'"-Johnny...... "Cuz Stephanie...cuz I'm a man and I'm black"-Ellen....

a few things here and there...

Dance // Good music // The Bartender // Acoustic guitar // Ben & Jerry's ice cream // Cuddling // Anything vintage or retro // "Super friends!" // Sunflowers // Smiling // Theatre // Fosse // Photography // Intellect // Sarcasm // The beach // The color brown // Being in love // Laughing until I cry // Partying (beer and rum baby) // Sex // Pretty undies // Roasting marshmallows // Driving with no destination // "Road Rage!" // Baseball season // Going to shows // Veggie Paninnis // Audrey Hepburn // Marilyn Monroe // Coconut Lime Verbana// Pearls // Wine // SG's // Sabi & Cat // Psych & Sociology // In-depth conversations // New York City // Braodway // Writing // Passing infatuations // Mashed potatoes // Mix CDs // Chap stick // Pedicures // Chinese food // Reminicsing about old memories // Making new ones // LIFE.

I'd like to meet:

anyone who can make me laugh (which isn't too difficult), is open-minded, driven, and spontaneous. and your mom.


I'll listen to nearly anything.. Honestly.. As long as it isn't gagsta rap or death metal..

+The Spill Canvas ♥♥♥
+Bloc Party
+Deathcab For Cutie
+Silversun Pickups
+Minus the Bear
+She Wants Revenge
+Brand New
+Led Zeppelin
+Smashing Pumpkins
+Taking Back Sunday
+Bright Eyes
+The Killers
+Weezer (old school)
+Jack Johnson
+Tegan and Sara
+The Smiths
+The Cure


some of my favorites include:
+Garden State
+Mrs. Doubtfire
+Wedding Crashers
+40 Year Old Virgin
+Old School
+Dirty Dancing
+One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
+Teledega Nights
+Memoirs of a Geisha
+The Black Dahlia


Law & Order baby...straight up. That's about all I watch. I like the OC too, and I wish I could watch Entourage but I don't have HBO.


The Bitch Posse, by Martha O'Connor.
The Lovely Bone, by Alice Sebold.
And almost anything written by Barbara Kingsolver.

I absolutely despise "Chick Lit". Sophie Kinsella especially... Pure Crap.


My Grammy-- she was one of the strongest women i knew. she always stood strong in what se believed in and never gave up no matter what the challenge. ♥

my older brother Justin-- he's always there for me no matter what, whether it be a shoulder to cry on, advice, a good laugh, or just a heart-felt hug. i love you dude ♥

My Blog

Walking and Drinking

at the same time causes cracked toenails and a broken toe (or at least it FEELS broken. I still can't decide haha)
Posted by Steph on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 08:42:00 PST

I met Jesus

Honest to God, Over the weekend, I was driving down Nash Rd. towards Java when to my left I caught a glimpse of a frail man draped in flowing white robes, a cross, a maple tree staff, and... a wh...
Posted by Steph on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 08:05:00 PST

A Random Act of Kindness

I was at work on Friday night, and it was actually pretty slow for a change.  My last table had a Native American woman, her daughter an her boyfriend.  I remembered the daughter from my gov...
Posted by Steph on Sun, 17 Sep 2006 10:17:00 PST

Cat, concerts, and summer (so far)

About a month ago, Nick and I were hanging out in my room before we had to go to work (big surprise) and my mom came into my room and she pulled this tiny white kitten out from behind her back and hel...
Posted by Steph on Thu, 13 Jul 2006 10:26:00 PST

On the eve of graduation..

Last day of school: Today Graduation: Friday Start of classes: August 23 I've got about two and a half months left here and it hasn't really hit me until now.  It was yesterday actually.  Se...
Posted by Steph on Thu, 08 Jun 2006 04:30:00 PST


yeah i've been a stranger to Myspace lately, but i kinda like it like that. :) For those of you that i don't see very often and use myspace as a way of keeping in contact: i'm sorry I've been missing ...
Posted by Steph on Sun, 09 Apr 2006 03:51:00 PST

Mailmen love the FAFSA

Essays, scholarships, and FAFSA.. OH MY! can you say stressed out? sheeeeesh.  I was an idiot and waited until the very last minute to complete my FAFSA.  Apparently I wasn't the only one ei...
Posted by Steph on Sat, 04 Mar 2006 02:16:00 PST

Something to Remember

"As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll br...
Posted by Steph on Thu, 23 Feb 2006 10:40:00 PST


as if my day isn't bad enough thus far... i attempted to post a blog about what happened... and it's gone. last time i try to post something like that. anyway. just wanted to say thanks to those...
Posted by Steph on Thu, 02 Feb 2006 10:27:00 PST


studying for chemistry is giving me torturous flashbacks. seriously. screw stoichiometry. and annoying juniors. on a lighter note, i've eaten 3 different types of potatoes today. scalloped. mashed. fr...
Posted by Steph on Wed, 18 Jan 2006 11:51:00 PST