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About Me

Name: DiNo Putra...I am 100% MalaysiaN , maDe in daH Subang JaYa.. HmmM wUh cAn i sAi ab0ut mUah! fiRst of aLL pEEpz juDge Me iN a wR0ng wAy... tHey tHink dAt i sUch a sNob & coNcieTed!! bUt hEck no! NoNe oF tHoSe woRds aRe EvEn tRuE.. iF i cOuLd deFiNe mAh seLf iT w0uLd bE *friendly* iM eAsy tO hoLLa WitH..i ReaLLy d0 coNsider mYseLf a nIcE PeRsoN..bUt jUz LiKe EvEry1 eLse i haVe a BaD siDe tHat CoMes 0ut oNce in a baD situaTion......aNd i'LL teLL y0u..iTs tha siDe of MiNe tHat y0u w0uLdntt waNNa sEE. and DONT TEST ME FREAK...bUt iM onLy tHis way iF y0u giVe mE rEaSon t0 bE..s0 iTs aLL up 2 y0u..HOW YEA WANT IT?!!!i c0uLd bE fuNNy if y0u WaNt t0 i c0uld bE seRiouS if y0u hIt oN tHe hEaD aNd teLL mE hEy jetaH c'm0n n0w be seRious.. aNd oF coUrse iM a tYpe oF fwEnd wHo wiLL staNd beSide y0u iNcaSe oF eMerGeNcy aNd i w0uLd nEveR leAVe y0u unleSS i cAn fEEl tHat y0u wErE oKay..mY shoulders are always free for My home to cry on..i always put my frieNds and faMiLy beFore mySelf aNd woRRy ab0ut me laTer... i Like doing wAt i want and saying wAt i want and it doesnt maKe me a bAd peRson either..it juz haPPend that i Like expReSSing aNd being myseLf... aNd it maKes me HAPPY.....wat else can i say ab0ut me.. im fun to be with..talKative, but anyways.. im very easy to get along with..opEn miNded..laid bAck...swEEt..caRing and Lovin person.. ambiTious is wat i am..i woRk hard to get wat i wAnt..ima figHter..sPeciaLLy if its worth fighting for... im a haPPy go lucKy type of person..i love to sHop,workout,sports, eat,sleep, dance n party.. im mostLy doWn wiTh anything....bUt at tha same time iM veRy resPonsibLe..i kno my Limitation n priorities..im juz a sHiT hus living her lyf to tha fuLLest..we onLy have one lyf to live after aLL and noONe gets oUt aLive.. so why not enjoy it tiLL you can rite?!!yea hear me?!!!...i believe that things haPPens f0r a rEAson...so watever haPPens haPpens..i do wAt i wanna do n do best when i dont then oh wells..at least i could say na i tried ma best diba?!!..coz i doNt waNNa l00k back laTer on n reGret anytHing u kno...

img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v419/devilbaybegurl/T hanks4beingmyfriend.gif"

My Interests

jay z n pharell;changeclothes

I'd like to meet:

- anYone-


img src="http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/5679/16m.jpg"


So many to post here,....i really love all comedies, thriller and gags


Bourne identity

queen of the damned

a traitor to a memory

interview with the vampire


    me myself i...