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Radical Radical Radical


About Me

Hedwig: Okay. One day, in the late mid-Eighties, I was in my early late-20's. I had just been dismissed from University after delivering a brilliant lecture on the aggressive influence of German philosophy on rock and roll, entitled "You Kant always get what you want." At twenty-six my academic career was over, I had never kissed a boy, and I was still sleeping with Mom. The search for my other half on my side of the wall had proved futile. Might he be found on the other? But how to get over, you know. People died trying. Such were the thoughts flooding my tiny head on the day that I was sunning myself in an old bomb crater I had discovered near the wall. I am naked, face down on a piece of broken church inhaling a fragrant Westerly breeze. (The image of a McDonalds arch is seen over the Berlin wall) My god, I deserved a break today.
Luther: Girl, I sure don't mean to annoy you. My name is Sergeant Luther Robinson.
Hansel: My name is Hansel.
Hedwig: Luther is silent for a moment, as he stares at my little Bishop-in-a-turtleneck.
Luther: Hansel. Well, you must like candy.
Hansel: I like Gummi Baren.
Hedwig: The taste is completely different from a gummi bear, yet somehow familiar. It's much sweeter that a gummi bear.
Hansel: Wow.
Hedwig: And softer too.
Hansel:I feel so optimistic.
Hedwig: I suddenly recognize the flavor in my mouth. It's the taste of power.
Luther: Damn, Hansel, I can't believe you're not a girl. You're so fine. Why don't you take the whole bag?
Hedwig: He searches my face for news of his fate. His expression is echoed in scores of tiny faces pressing against clear plastic. Panting faces of every imaginable color, creed, and non-Aryan origin. Fogging up the bag like the windows of a Polish bath house, I stumble naked through the ruins, back towards blander, less complicated confections, leaving in my wake a trail of rainbow carnage. Next day, Hansel follows the trail back and on his way finds a Milky Way, a roll of Necco Wafers, some Pop Rocks, and a giant sized sugar daddy named Luther.

My Interests

^snakes on a myspace^


Your entering a world of hurt.


The Artful Dodger


Siddhartha entered the chamber, where his father was sitting on a mat of bast, and stepped behind his father and remained standing there, until his father felt that someone was standing behind him. Quoth the Brahman: "Is that you, Siddhartha? Then say what you came to say."Quoth Siddhartha: "With your permission, my father. I came to tell you that it is my longing to leave your house tomorrow and go to the ascetics. My desire is to become a Samana. May my father not oppose this."The Brahman fell silent, and remained silent for so long that the stars in the small window wandered and changed their relative positions, 'ere the silence was broken. Silent and motionless stood the son with his arms folded, silent and motionless sat the father on the mat, and the stars traced their paths in the sky. Then spoke the father: "Not proper it is for a Brahman to speak harsh and angry words. But indignation is in my heart. I wish not to hear this request for a second time from your mouth."Slowly, the Brahman rose; Siddhartha stood silently, his arms folded."What are you waiting for?" asked the father.Quoth Siddhartha: "You know what."Indignant, the father left the chamber; indignant, he went to his bed and lay down.After an hour, since no sleep had come over his eyes, the Brahman stood up, paced to and fro, and left the house. Through the small window of the chamber he looked back inside, and there he saw Siddhartha standing, his arms folded, not moving from father returned to his bed.After another hour, since no sleep had come over his eyes, the Brahman stood up again, paced to and fro, walked out of the house and saw that the moon had risen. Through the window of the chamber he looked back inside; there stood Siddhartha, not moving from his spot, his arms folded, moonlight reflecting from his bare shins. With worry in his heart, the father went back to bed.And he came back after an hour, he came back after two hours, looked through the small window, saw Siddhartha standing, in the moon light, by the light of the stars, in the darkness. And he came back hour after hour, silently, he looked into the chamber, saw him standing in the same place, filled his heart with anger, filled his heart with unrest, filled his heart with anguish, filled it with sadness.And in the night's last hour, before the day began, he returned, stepped into the room, saw the young man standing there, who seemed tall and like a stranger to him."Siddhartha," he spoke, "what are you waiting for?""You know what.""Will you always stand that way and wait, until it'll becomes morning, noon, and evening?""I will stand and wait."You will become tired, Siddhartha.""I will become tired.""You will fall asleep, Siddhartha.""I will not fall asleep.""You will die, Siddhartha.""I will die.""And would you rather die, than obey your father?""Siddhartha has always obeyed his father.""So will you abandon your plan?""Siddhartha will do what his father will tell him to do."The first light of day shone into the room. The Brahman saw that Siddhartha was trembling softly in his knees. In Siddhartha's face he saw no trembling, his eyes were fixed on a distant spot. Then his father realized that even now Siddhartha no longer dwelt with him in his home, that he had already left him.The Father touched Siddhartha's shoulder."You will," he spoke, "go into the forest and be a Samana. When you'll have found blissfulness in the forest, then come back and teach me to be blissful. If you'll find disappointment, then return and let us once again make offerings to the gods together. Go now and kiss your mother, tell her where you are going to. But for me it is time to go to the river and to perform the first ablution."