If you wanna chat i'm alway's on.
- BrianAnim
- Brian_Kruise
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
- Vist my Website
Ok people listen up, if you wish to add me and I dont know you personally or I may wanna ask who you are you MUST send me a message telling me why I should allow you on my friends list, I dont like adding people I've never met and if I've only met you once or twice please tell me when, where.
Recently people have been trying to send me messages but they are too stupid not to lift there security level, so I cannot respond to their messages. IF YOU SEND ME A MESSAGE AT LEAST SET YOUR MYSPACE TO RECIVE REPLYS
Thank you.
Addendum 1 - Spelling:
1.1: If you cannot spell please do not add me to your list, or try to message me without using spell check If you hare honestly misspelling words because you do not know how to spell them I will understand but words misspelled intentionally will be overlooked as if they did not exist:
Examples: Girl not Gurl, Boy not Boi, School not Skool, etc. Addendum 2 - Misuse of capital letters:
2.1: If you write anything in the upper case, then lower case, the uppercase format, don’t expect an add from me as I do not regard this as correct spelling either, the only uppercases I will find appropriate will be proper nouns and the first letter in a sentence.
Example: pEoPlE wHo TyPe LiKe ThIs
2.2: This also includes people who insist in talking in all capitol letters, by no means does this help your cause, I take the use of all capitol lettering as either headlining, or yelling and will keep you off my friends list
Addendum 3 - Bulletins:
3.1 Although I can not stop people from posting bulletins, I am going to ask that you please only use bulletins for important information, I've been noticing tons and tons of random "hi, what's up" and "chain letters" in the bulletins and this type of action will be frowned upon in my decision to accept any type of PM/Mail/IM or friends invite from people who post these type of bulletins.